How I Spent My Thanksgiving Vacation

Nov 26, 2006 19:53

Tuesday: Somebody stole my rocketsauce. I went to the midnight showing of the Tenacious D movie, only to have the projector break in the middle. Everyone was sent home.

Wednesday: After watching the Tenacious D movie for real, I chose to forego seeing The Hold Steady for the forth time this year in favor of "Balloon Night" with the Ardsley kids. The Ardsley group really committed to our Balloon Night tradition, which includes:
1) No balloons. Sorry, Macy's. Maybe next year.
2) Confusion over which Starbucks is our meeting spot. ("Is it the one closest to Virgin?"/"No Dave, you're at the wrong subway stop.")
3) Lots of discussion before agreeing to do the exact same thing we did last year: Baluchis and Blue & Gold.
4) Gossip about people from Ardsley. This year was pretty light in the non-us gossip department. Anyone have any juicy info?
5) Tons of money pumped into the jukebox. My favorite selection was "This Year" by the Mountain Goats.
I love all of us and would be sad if we decided to do anything differently. I could have done without the brawl on the Metro-North that stopped us at the Mount Vernon station for a half-hour, but complaining about the Harlem line is tired.

Thursday: Turkey day. Saw many cousins. Joined in on a few choruses of "We Are the Dinosaurs" and "Don't Go Breaking My Heart." Almost died from cuteness.

Friday: I went to Saratoga's version of "Balloon Night." It was strangely similar considering I didn't go to high school with those people. The major difference between the Ardsley "Balloon Night" and the Saratoga evening out was that when the Saratoga kids ran into people from their high school, they seemed genuinely pleased to see each other. We'd be all, "Oh, God! It's somebody from Ardsley! Duck!" But their music was nowhere near as good as ours. (Sorry, Hair of the Dog.) I thought I was getting the authentic Saratoga going-out experience, but when I asked real Saratogians if they'd go to those bars often, most people answered that they'd never set foot inside two out of three of them. I drew the line at going to the fourth bar, which real Saratogians admitted that they actively avoid.

Saturday: I saw The Fountain in the afternoon, then at night ate Thai food for dinner and had Reese's Peanut Butter Pie for dessert. The jury is still out about whether or not that meal is better than the one on Thanksgiving. Afterward, we retired to Rob and Sabrina's and talked about Kids in the Hall and awful things people on the Internet do to each other. Both are pretty hilarious.

Today: We ate breakfast with Jesse's mom. She gave us advent calendars and talked about Christmas cookies. Now I'm in a holiday mood and want to listen to Christmas music. Anyone have any suggestions?

traditions, holidays

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