Look around. Leaves are brown.

Nov 06, 2005 20:57

Things to do in fall:

Bake an apple pie: I realize that some people my age can do this for real, and that attempting to bake an apple pie isn't really a huge accomplishment. But to me, it's hard. My family is accomplished at one-finger cooking (microwave or take out), so pies remain vast and mysterious entities. Mistakes were made, but I think it's pretty damn tasty. And the dinner we made to precede the pie was pretty damn flawless.

Take a hike through fallen leaves: Sure, it's a little dangerous since we're pretty much Lyme Disease Central (though Lyme is so yesterday and it's all about bird flu now). Jesse and I went into the wilds of Northern Westchester and took a short hike along a lake. Let me tell you, it's much easier to get lost finding the Taconic than it is getting lost on the trails!

Ask children about their Halloween costumes: My cousins dressed as: an evil pumpkin, Obi-Wan, Cinderella, a dragon, a cowgirl, Tinkerbell (though she called it "Princess Tinkerbell"), a cowboy, and a flower. The flower was born like, a month ago, and I met her for the first time today. So. Friggin. Cute.

Ben Folds tomorrow at Radio City!

babies, hikes

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