Stray Thoughts

Sep 20, 2009 20:31

*I am one-fifth of the way through the Planet of the Apes project. That really just means I re-watched Planet of the Apes. Tomorrow is Beneath, then next week is Escape from, and that's as far as I've gotten in memorizing the titles. I love you, Dr. Zaius!

*I listened to Here Comes Science in the car. I like it, but I like the songs that are about other things and weave in the science knoweldge better than the ones that outright explain scientific terms. For example, "I Am a Paleontologist" is a fun song with a good tune, and if you listen to it you might learn cool words like "archaeopteryx." "Solid Liquid Gas," on the other hand, just spends a lot of time explaining the differences between the states of matter, and it's kind of boring. "The Ballad of Davy Crockett (in Outer Space)" is the best of all, because of the theramin noises, but that has no science knowledge at all. While I'm talking about music, can I say that I get a kick out of Das Racist's "Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell?" I am tickled by it even though it's supremely stupid. You win, Wesleyan band.

*I saw The Weakerthans with Jesse at MHW. While a full review is forthcoming at Beyond Race [ETA: It's up!],I will say I find them to be adorable. Even the things they do that are less-than-professional, like, say, forget the chords and stop playing a song halfway through or take a long time to count songs in, just make them seem cuter. I also dig that they did a bunch of slow songs in a row, then a bunch of fast ones, and then a really good encore.

*I'm starting to look seriously at stuff relating to the wedding. That's happening.

*On Saturday, I went to a garage sale in my neighborhood and bought cookies. Then I ate them in the park. I also read in the park, and walked around the crafty flea market they have. (I totally dig the knitted cameo necklaces.) Then I went to see Frank Portman at Word (note to YA geeks: I think they said Rebecca Stead is going to be there next week), where he read from his book and sang songs. Then I walked to the Thai restaurant and ate curry. Then I came home, trounced everyone at Scrabble despite having the Q and no Us, and watched movies. My question: Why wasn't the whole summer like this? Why did the most beautiful, perfect summer day happen at the end of September?

*Speaking of it not being summer anymore, I bought pumpkin pancake mix. Fall, it is on.

pumpkins, they might be giants, music, movies, fall, somebody's getting married, brooklyn, the weakerthans, summer

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