I'll sing what you like if you shout it straight back at me.

May 20, 2008 20:21

Los Campesinos! is all about coincidences.

I only know about them because of a coincidence. Rob found a copy of the album, new, for cheap at Last Vestige because they had misfiled it as world music. If we hadn't been talking about Last Vestige purchases, he wouldn't have played the album for us, and I wouldn't have listened to it a million times by myself last week. (Meanwhile, I haven't actually listened to the albums *I* bought at Last Vestige.)

Then, the band did a show at the Music Hall of Williamsburg on Thursday. I couldn't go because I was celebrating a belated Mother's Day with my mom and sister. But I got a Facebook message about the show, and-what a coincidence!-it turned out that the opening act was Graham's band. I really like Graham's band, so I was sad I couldn't go, but I'm sure they'll be around again.

Jesse got us tickets for yesterday's show. And-what a coincidence!-the opening band for that date was Cristin's brother's band. So basically, Los Campesinos! is picking around the edges of my friends' group for its opening acts. Crazy.

Anyway, you might have heard about Titus Andronicus, fronted by Patrick "8.5" Stickles. I'm not just saying this because I know Cristin, but they were actually really good. (You win this round, Pitchfork.) Damn, I'm going to have to get their cd (if only to try and figure out what the lyrics are behind the screaming).I like how, after their set, I went up to Cristin and said, "That was really good!" and she was like, "Really?"

And, of course, Los Campesinos was great. People were really into it, and there was the twee-est pit ever for "You! Me! Dancing!" For the second time in four days, I melted into a puddle on the floor. If you want to read more gushing, you can do so in a few days at that same website that published my Bishop Allen review this morning.

los campesinos, titus andronicus, live music

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