Jan 23, 2007 17:58
Trying Yet Another Organizing Scheme. If this one doesn't work, it will crash and burn bigtime. I was feeling optimistic, now I am not -- but that could be apprehension at having to deal with everything. Also there is a bigger start up cost to this...It is David Allen's Getting Things Done, and it has several recommendations. I think that even if I don't go with his time-organizing methods, the start up sorting/organizing will help. In theory. He says 2 days to start up -- get everything in one place and go through it (or put a reference note to it). This is how I like to work -- perfectionism at its best, getting everything -- or failing big time. However, his reasons make sense (you can't take care of prioritizing and putting things where they go if you have parts of everything else where), and he is also reasonable (making a task be "clean out drawers" or whatever to leave some things for later).
Now I have run out of time (again!) today...maybe after the kids are asleep. I have made reasonable progress, there is just so much more to do...
PS. I did find my missing library book! WTF. In a desktop box under some coupons that expired at the end of October. It wasn't missing *that* long.
life home work