Sep 11, 2009 23:28
I write to-do lists only to lose them within the hour.
I'm either too nice or too selfish to turn down LMC design ops.
Any idea what As You Like It is about? I need to design a shirt...
I've been seeing iStockphoto "We Miss You" ads all over the web.
Haha. I miss you too, iStock. You and Photoshop and InDesign.
I've been a slave to my job all summer and now I'm exhausted.
IDK if I'll even be there next summer or interning somewhere..?
I need to search harder for a good internship. (Not in the 315.)
I keep questioning whether studying abroad is the right decision.
I worked too hard to perfect/structure my life up at LMC.
What'll it be like come spring 2010? I think I'm more afraid of
that then the idea of a new school/country/friends/etc...
Facebook simply reminds me of the what-ifs & could-have-beens.
As does Livejournal. Can I write an entry w/o getting nostalgic?
Twitter's only use is celebrity stalking & even that gets boring.
Have I mentioned my recent addiction to Scrabble? Yay to another
improbable dream. Hopefully it'll better my vocabulary though.
Okay, the American dollar has decreased way to much. DISLIKE.
Does The Cure really need to wear all the make-up? Not pretty.
Almost every year headlines read: "The world's oldest person died."
WTF I have 42 unread e-mail messages!? How'd that happen?
Oh and yay for my tinnitus possibly being a joint problem. (TMJ?)
And my mom is terrified of swine flu & wants to buy me masks?
I guess it's at "pandemic" status in the UK...
Why does my phone alarm go off at 12:30 AM when I set it for PM?
I woke at 6:30 AM for work today yet somehow I can't sleep now.
I think I have anxiety and insomnia problems.
PS: I'm in love with All Time Low and Thriving Ivory.