HA, An entry. And I bet you thought this journal was useless!

Oct 28, 2003 09:00

Okay, so maybe this journal is kind of useless, but I've been too tired to write much of anything.

After the little debate on Donna's baheena journal, I have decided to get a Dreamcast. jstymie had some very good points and made me think harder about a PS2. I however tend to only buy three or four games for a system and the games for the DC are still on the cheap side, with the exception of the one game I want most of all, Skies of Arcadia. Although the PS2 does have a lot of $20 games available, they aren't all that attractive and I can get the same games on the DC for about $5. In a couple of years I'll get a PS2 when they drop to $30 on the used market. After all I still use my SNES as my primary gaming system.

Besides, if I ever get bored and in a very geek-ish mood, I could just try installing NetBSD or Linux on the machine.......Man do I ever need a life.
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