normal day today at work other then the two guys that were the spitting image of the two main guys from slc punk
Came from the ballard store where they ordered a part and were picking it up at our store. This is after spending lots of time down there getting shown the wrong parts and soforth and beaing assured that they were picking up the right part at our store. Brought their part and broke it to them that the belt was not in stock and he started laughing and i thought he was about to jump over the counter and start smashing me... Looked up his car, found the Right fucking part in 5 min and got the right belt too. WTF is so fucking hard about finding it. This was the fucking store manager down at that store. what a dipshit. got everything figured out and them on their way. Was out helping some one with a headlight and as they drove off he stuck his head out the window and yelled "CRAIG YOU FUCKING ROCK" waved and then had the taxi driver i was showing how to change a bulb ask me how much he should tip me....LOL too bad the day didn't stay nice like that. stayed till 1045 because the phone would not stop ringing and people asking if we had and getting prices on things...non stop that then actual paying customers i need out of there.