week 1

Jun 05, 2005 02:03

So I've been in Clear Lake for a week now and it has been quite interesting. Last weekend I went to 3 bbqs and a party and during the week I started my class and got a job tutoring high school students for Upward Bound. But the best thing about it is that my cousin is cool as shit and not crazy, as I had previously believed. But anways, she loves pot as much, if not more, than I do and we have spent pretty much every night bonding over bowls. Good times, good times. :) Tonight, however, not so much...

Dinner started off fine, Bj's is a pretty cool little place and after that we (me Jessica Ryan and Sanjay) were gonna go to Fitz's to watch the Quinns and a bunch of other bands play. Unfortunately, Jessica's car started to overheat on 45 so we had to pull over and her dad came to fix it. We then had to drive back to CL and exchange her car with Sanjay's dad's car. And since Sanjay (who is 19) had already had 3 beers with dinner, Ryan drove and off to Fitz's we went. We got there just as the Quinns finished, which sucked, but the next band kicked ass. God I love reggae. But that was the only band we got to see because Sanjay got really really drunk and tried to beat up the biggest guy he could find, a guy who just happened to be a bouncer. So after four random guys helped shove him into the car, we headed back. And of course as we are almost to the after party, Sanjay just started throwing up in the car and freaking out and long story short, we finally got to the party like 45 minutes later after getting lost and driving around in the smelliest car ever. Luckily Sanjay is ok and is as of now passed out on a mattress in the middle of the hall way.

But tomorrow I'm going to chill at the grandparents' house with my kitty and try and catch up on all the homework I have been putting off all week to get high so the quiet, calm vibe over there will be nice.
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