Jun 09, 2005 03:40
OK so as some of you know, yesterday was my 18th BIRTHDAY!!! and I was at the MSI show at the Webster and HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! It was FUCKING INSANE!!! Way better then the Boston show...
I got JIMMY, LYN-Z and KITTY, to sign Jimmy's tie that I got off eBay and he was actually wearing the same one but he colored in the yellow cross blue or something like that... But that wasn't even the best, I also has a Dr. Seuss shirt that had "one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish," and I got everyone from MSI to sign it b/c after the show, me, Alex, Steve, Jolene, Malcolm (he came up for my birthday and also the show and he made my day even better cause I miss him hardcore), Carly, "Pinky," Nycki(her birthday was on the 7th and she is now 18 also and I <3 her cause she is amazing) Jason and his girl, and a bunch of other people were in the front of the Webster, and Steve Righ? came out of the bus and was doing a quick signing and I got him to sign right on the "two fish" part. I was amazing because he is so cool and he actually looked good cause he had a knee replacment or something but anyways enough rambling...
Ashlyn had came to the show also but I guess from what Jolene told me, she had gotten sick and went home... I figured soemthing was bothering her from the way she looked and I feel bad that she had to leave before MSI cause she was looking foward to seeing them so much... I <3 you Ashlyn and I hope you are feeling better...
Back to the show... the bands that played before MSI weren't the best and some sucked but SCARE BEARS kicked so much ass... they sound great live they really got me ready for MSI! MSI couldn't of been better... the pits were ok... the first pit was the best cause the staff didn't bother us yet so we were able to punch and kick but after that it was just pushing =/
Back back before MSI but right before MSI... me and Alex were just chillin and this insanely cocked chick comes snaking around the corner and pulls Alex and us away to "take us on an adventure" as she put it so she takes us pretty much all the way to the front and then we slowly went to the middle because "this is where the fun starts" from quoting Malcolm... and once MSI came on it went insane...
During the show... the pits were great they sounded great and Jimmy had some pretty funny quotes/ skits that we have been saying since and after the show I got a bunch of autographs that I got and a few people got for me and now I am home chillin with Alex, Malcolm and Jolene and Alex is leaving soon and I am going to go play some videogames....
Later all and Peace bitches and oh yea but me shit lol j/k unless you really want to and I will hit you back on your birthday or one of those holiday things...