For those that don't quite know who I am, then it's Commander Vimes of the Ankh-Morpork Watch to you, now of the City Watch under Warden Light. Bringing in 35 years of policework to the city, leadership skills and whatever else having to do with justice.
I don't give a damn whether or not you vote for me. Whether I get the job or not, I'll still be doing what's right (dragging in the lawbreakers, so much as there is law in this damned City), and making sure that justice is done to those what deserve it. Protect the peace and serve the public good, not some king or patrician or deity.
I put my name in the Warden drawing to deflect votes off
him, because however bad things are right now, having a Warden who rambles chiefly on "biting people to death" isn't my idea of a stable mind.
Other than that, if you've got questions I'll be glad to take them. Otherwise I'm going on patrol and I'm taking my cigar pack with me.