read this today...

Jul 09, 2005 08:59

Ok, so I read this today and it kind of hit me as this book has a lot.  The book is 'My Utmost for his Highest' by Oswald Chambers.  It's a little devotional book.

Will to be Faithful

"...choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve..." (Joshua 24:15)
Your choice must be a deliberate determination- it is not something into which you will automatically drift... You have no business trying to find out where God is leading- the only thing God will explain to you is Himself.


(here's another one from a couple of days ago)

Visions Becoming Reality

Ever since God gave us the vision, He has been at work.  He is getting us into the shape of the goal He has for us, and yet over and over again we try to escape from the Scultor's hands in an effort to batter ourselves into the shape of our own goal... Allow the Potter to put you on His wheel and whirl you around as He desires.  Then as surely as God is God, and you are you, you will turn out as an exact likeness of the vision.

that's very comforting, but like the entry before, it takes work from us to be faithful.  Being faithful can be so hard sometimes... but I'll keep trying even in my imperfections.


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