Oh my Goth I'm happy I'm out of this phase I should been a goth (in real life) when I had this journal that would of been NICE! No but really this was a very sad time (tear-jerker) where I took part in one of the most sinful acts.....Teenage Angst. This beat the hell out of my other one the attention whoring skills were just...Amazing. Sorry I partly did use the people that commenting at this time to make myself feel better but I didn't lie about anything here I just made it seem more agnsty , depressing....angsty ...depressing...I'm going to cut myself now type of thing.
Psychological weakness was abundant here and exaggeration a few times was too. I'm sorry not borderline not psychologically ill not anything. No No Hell No. Anyway I had another one which was on the side from this one it was suppose to be free from the angst and it was except it just became another person...
Riverofstyx died quickly (thank god) then went away from livejournal or writing but that wasn't helpful either because my Aquarius rising and Node says so.
Chronos_Typhoon is liks the bestestes onez I evah hadz. But really you all made me nervous as hell (commenters and a few others) at the time extremely insecure and in need of some heavy drugs. (Most was this invisible fear and empathic pick ups.)
slientbreeze Thanks everyone.
Edit 1:
Sorry to cause you all (well the ones that were reading) to worry don't worry I'll be fine.