A little about me..

Jan 27, 2005 23:26

For anyone who never talked to me before or anything this entry is just to talk a little about me. I'm gay and black which sort of makes me like a double minority when I think about ti.. Anyway I love plays , emotional stuff not into all kinds of art it just depends on the mood I'm in. I'm not so much of a Sailor Moon Freak anymore but I like anime and not so much Magna. The Best plays and only plays I wacthed were from Tyler Perry( I love Madea!) , which are chirstan oriented becasue in everyone they have the religon in it and seeing that side of it really amkes me want to go back more into it but still I am a chirstan but not really anymore...(Defiantly not a religous freak) I'm a very senstive and submissive person and very bright too. I don't really like sports or I play its not for anything serious. I can't really takes it so serious even for just normal games win win win win for me its just really to play or have fun or whatever. My morals are very bright not negative like the belif pepole have that you should condem someone for who they are but love them. That doesn't work with me I accept a person for who they are and love them. For like comedains I like most of them are different but they share political view sort of Liberal Middle. I like Margaret Cho , Chirs Rock , Richard Jeni , Dave Chappelle , Ellen Degeneres and basically that's it!. For music I like J-pop but I will listen to other types of music if its on depending on how I'm feeling which alot things are based on for me and the feeling of the song of coruse too. Stuff I'm intrested in....They aren't nesscerally in order after the first three its mixed

1. Learning about myself
2. Learnings about Others
3. Psycology/ Sociology but more psycology than Social.
4. glbt rights , life , relationships (hoping to have one)
5. Civil Rights in genreal
6. Sotries of the Abused or stories of near death experiances
7. Sci-fi , Science , J-pop- (that doesn't go here does it ^^;)
8. Ways of massaging , Ways of comforting pepole.
9. Buidling close relationships (plutonic and non-plutonic
10. Astrological Signs , Personality Types , Classsifications

I'm very open to new things and that means in any subject (or mostly any) so don't be afraid to im me or anything.
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