Jul 28, 2014 13:05
So. I've been sent to a ship and four months later I'm being sent home for a meltdown.
We've had a suicide, two attempted suicides, a pregnancy and myself being sent home for mental care. This ship is poisonous and keep hearing the same thing over and over, that it' the worst command.
So, I'm in Djibouti, Africa right now. We're leaving in a couple of days after two weeks. The base is on liberty lock down because of Somalian terrorist attacks so I haven't actually seen anything interesting.
The cool part of leaving the ship (Like, an actual fighty boat ship on the water) was the boat ride to the oiler ship. Oilers are super nice because they're ran by civilians even though they're owned by the Navy. Well, not all oilers. This oiler.
I was lowered about 30 feet into the ocean on what can be described as a life raft with an engine. Immediately the water was harsh, rocking and tossing the raft violently. I had to hold on a metal handle for dear life. But I could handle it at that point. Yes.
After the other passengers climbed from the ship onto the raft, we took off. What had been jerky waves felt like I was on a roller coaster. We were sent flying off five-foot swells, landing with a heavy flop and getting salt water in the face.
I screamed a couple of times.
I wish I could even properly describe how this felt. It was actually a lot of fun once I got used to it. After about 20 minutes I started getting motion sick.
We finally reached the oiler, and a rope ladder was thrown over the side for us to climb. The others shimmied right on up, then came my turn.
Again, I can't describe this. I had to be thrown onto the ladder because the swells would make it a good three-foot climb when the water sank. Once I was holding onto the ladder though, I realized that every movement sent the ladder swinging outward, away from the body of the ship
I was terrified.
I've never felt so heavy. It took me a good 10 minutes to climb 10 feet. I had remained reasonably dry on the boat until I was on that ladder, getting hit with waves directly and swinging with the imminent threat that I was going to fall into a body of water and immediately be dragged underneath.
Anyway. I got my own stateroom on the oiler, which was kind of rad. Staterooms are normally for officers. The food was pretty good too.
Then my escort and I found out that while the others were getting civilian flights as soon as we arrived in Djibouti, we were going to have to wait two weeks.
Thus another turd on the shitpile that I've experienced being in the military. Sigh.
For more important updates: I'm in the South Park fandom now ahahahahah.