So I can't remember the first half of the dream, but what I do remember was fantastic. Also, there were My Little Pony people plus Spike but don't stop reading because the only thing involving My Little Pony was the magic and people with brightly colored skin.
Let's note right now that magic-users in this world are overwhelmingly female with a few exceptions. The brightly-colored people are normal humans that have such a highly concentrate of magic that their bodies changed color. Magic-users who look normal usually have to cast spells as a sort of mental focus point. The colored-people don't have to cast spells because they have so much magic in them, and that's why the rest of humanity unofficially exiled them.
In the dream there was something about a party and a group of magic-using Pony-people had to go retrieve something, I have no idea why. Just imagine them as a bunch of humans with bright skin and hair plus Spike because they kept changing from ponies to people. So they're traveling and stop somewhere to retrieve food. They leave all their stuff in a spot and all leave.
When they return a giant, powerful dragon has claimed all their stuff. They can't continue without the stuff so they try to think of a way to get it back. Thing is they get captured by the dragon's cronies and are taken to this giant maze-like library where they're held captive. So their next problem is to escape.
So they sneak around and are pretty close to getting out when the dragon's cronies notice. So everyone scrambles back to their designated rooms but one girl gets left behind. She's very purple, that's all I remember.
The cronies catch her and tell her, "You're going to be punished now". She's knocked out and when she wakes up she's in the psychiatric ward of a hospital. Of course no one believes her that she's been captured, except one woman who is also a prisoner.
Our captive notices that there's something wrong with the other patients, who are wandering around like zombies. In fact they /are/ zombies but not the decaying kind. Their bodies have been infected with too much magic that can be transferred by biting other victims. The woman who believes our purple heroin has been desperately running around trying not to get bitten.
A yellow pony-girl shows up to save the purple one and for some reason it sends the zombie people into a frenzy. So now they're running around trying not to get bitten and trying to figure out how to escape without abandoning everyone else. Turns out when they look out the window a ton of other patients are wandering around in the parking-lot all zombiefied and are looking for other people to bite. They're very interested in the pony-people's magic.
Basically, there's an epidemic going on.
Well, the dream switches. All this stuff is happening in a different part of the world, and there's another sickness happening in a tropical region.
This tropical area is getting ready for a typhoon. The area has already been hit earlier. Several houses have been flooded, and unsuspecting ships have been sunk. There's one magic-using girl who tried saving a barge-ship from sinking but they had to cut off the load the ship had been carrying which took about 50 men with it. The barge ship itself was saved though. The girl could produce a sort of force-field to protect the ship from the wind.
So. The area has already been slammed and they're getting ready for another. A different girl who sort of looked like Kiki from "Kiki's Delivery Service" but much darker is flying around on her broom trying to help. This tropical area is more accepting of magic-users.
We'll-call-her-Kiki has been adopted by a young man who is also a magic-user.
More magic explanations:
Normal magic users usually have one THING that they're good at and don't need to cast spells to use. The girl on the barge could make force-fields, Kiki uses telekinesis to make her broom fly, and there's another girl who is empathetic to people's intentions. They can use other magics but have to cast spells. Most people are capable of overcoming this mental road block, but very few do.
What makes Kiki's adoptive-brother special is that he's a normal magic-user but has no specialty, and can do anything without casting spells.
So this other epidemic. Magic-users are randomly collapsing. Not dying, just getting very weak in the knees and dizzy and randomly falling. Somehow the sickness is past by just being around another magic-users. If one of them is infected, they start copying each other. If one raises their right hand, the other raises their right hand. If one jumps, the other jumps. This makes it very hard to be around other magic users because no one knows who's sick.
So this handsome-20-something-adoptive-brother-guy is sick and is trying to find someone to help him. He's wandering around in this neighborhood and senses a couple of magic-users. He finds a young couple waiting on their doorstep and he approaches them.
The couple smile and say, "We could sense you coming,".
He explains the problem and asks for their help. They ask, "What can you give us?"
He raises his hand and it glows blue. He says he can give them long lives. The couple laughs and the wife raises her hand which also glows blue and passes it over her face, which turns old and wrinkled. Our hero doesn't know how to respond other than their help might be able to help her husband.
She tells Hero that they've lived long lives and are ready to die. That they're too old to want help.
That's when Hero suddenly collapses. In Hero's weakness the husband raises his hand to see if Hero will imitate him, and he does. Hero recovers, frustrated, and thanks them for listening and starts moving on. While Hero is walking he spots some kids playing outside and it occurs to him that the kids probably aren't getting sick.
But how is he going to approach little kids to ask for help without looking like a pedophile?
So the dream moves on, but in the same area. A girl has just had a fight with her mother over her being a magic-user (freak of nature) and decides to go fill her gas tank to try and calm down.
She randomly collapses and suddenly senses people around her who intend her harm (she's the empath). She's terrified and is blacking out but can see people coming toward her. An skinny, dried-up, severe-looking old man who is the station attendant (he's wearing a uniform) comes running out of the convenience store next to the gas station. He's the kind of person who usually creeps people out but the girl can sense he wants to help her.
Before she can black out her hands start moving on their own and blue sparks shoot out of her finger tips. That's when Hero from before jumps in front of her...
And then I woke up.
But here's the fun part! The giant dragon from before is one of the sources of all these magical epidemics! The pony-people-not-ponies are aware of the sicknesses and are trying to find out what's really going on.
The other causes of the epidemics weren't explained to me, at least in the second half of this dream.