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(001) Your gender: Full-fledged female.
(002) Straight/gay/bi?: LOL bi.
(003) Single?: Living the single life let me tell you.
(004) Want to be?: Psh, I don't know. I keep telling everyone I want to copy edit but right now I'll settle for "real job that gets Mom out of debt".
(005) Age?: 22.
(006) Age you wish you were?: An age where I've matured and am happy with myself.
(007) Your label?: What?
(008) Your height?: A glorious 5"4.5. 100% avarage but still short.
(009) Your eye color?: Brown, sometimes green. So, poop-coloured.
(010) Any piercings?: Belly button, eyebrow, and ears.
(011) Any tattoos?: Someday, maybe. I never know what I want.
(012) Smoke: I'd say no, but I enjoy certain illegal activities, and I smoke when I've been drinking. So, while once in a while, not really.
(013) Drink: Not recently, but when I do it's heavy.
(014) Do drugs: I haven't smoked in a long time.
(015) Read the newspaper: Yes. Mostly online, but I check up on things.
(016) Talk to strangers who IM you: Not really. They tend to make me uncomfortable.
(017) Like to walk in the leaves: Dead leaf smell is the best! The dry ones sound the best!
(018) Take walks in the rain: Occasionally yes! CJ and I would run in the rain every once in a while when we were in school together!
(019) Drive: Mostly to work.
(020) Like to drive fast?: Yes, but I speed when I'm upset because I want to get home. It's not the safest.
(021) Hurt yourself: I have zero pain tolerance. Zero. You poke me and I start crying.
(022) Have a job: Old Time Pottery cashier. My job is to /cashier/. I stay at the /registers/. Because that's what /cashiers/ do. 8|
(023) Like who you are: I'm pretty awesome, but I don't like a lot of things about myself.
(024) Consider love a mistake: Only if it's not actually love.
(025) Base your judgment on looks alone: Inevitably I'm going to judge someone based on appearance. I don't like being around gross-looking people (Read: DIRTY) or someone who looks like they don't care about themselves. Maybe I'd actually like them as a person, but the fact is I make a shallow judgement sometimes. I can't help it. Also, bad teeth are a huge turn off for me. I'm sorry if it's not your fault, but it is.
(026) Do you like/love someone?: I love a few people and like a lot of people, yes. I don't have anyone I care to date.
(027) Been caught doing some thing your weren't supposed to be doing?: Always.
(028) Been in love: I don't think I have been, no. I'm a bad romantic; You can blame my mom for that.
(029) Done drugs: Yes. Marijuana and ecstasy. I've debated talking about my experience with X here, but I know not everyone's comfortable with the topic, and, uh, it's not as kindly look on as weed.
(030) Gone skinny dipping: Hahhhah yes! Just this year even!
(031) Had a surgery: Yes, but I was too young to remember. I had a mole removed from my face when I was 15 though.
(032) Ran away from home: Yes. The first time I was 11-12, gone for nearly 10 hours with the dog. The second was when I was 14 and gone for 3 days on the streets.
I really liked being homeless. I was hungry, tired, cold and covered in ant bites, but I'd never felt more free. I could go anywhere I wanted, and outdoors were beautiful despite everything. I went home because I knew I had to make a decision; I could stay on my own and learn to struggle, or go home to my warm bed and make things better with Mom. Sometimes I'm not sure what would have been the better decision.
(033) Played strip poker: No, but I've played games where it involved me getting naked.
(034) Gotten beat up: Well, I got in a fist fight once. She gave me a small bruise inside my mouth but that was about it. She seemed to consider that "beating me up".
(035) Been on stage: A few times during choir.
(036) Slept outdoors: Hyup, not a lot though.
(037) Pulled an all-nighter: Mostly during finals. I've taken tests on two hours of sleep.
(038) Talked on the phone all night: Lyndsay back in elementary, my friend Stephanie during middle school! And Alex. Now, it seems I'm usually on IM with CJ.
(039) Had an X-ray: Yes. Uterus x-rays suck
(040) Had detention: Yes. My teachers liked me, but they knew when I was being a little shit.
(041) Been suspended: No.
(042) Been expelled: Yes. For pulling the fire alarm. I was allowed to come back in one fiscal year, and to that I said "fuck you". I went to college.
(043) Slept all day: Yes.
(044) Killed someone: Now, would I tell you that if I had? The answer is no, though.
(045) Made out with a stranger: I've never kissed a stranger, no.
(046) Had sex with a stranger?: No.
(047) Kissed the same sex: Yes.
(048) Done anything sexual with the same sex?: Yes.
(049) Been betrayed: Only by my father, and friends thinking I'm an idiot but in a gossipy way instead of just saying, "Damn, that was stupid."
(050) Broken the law: Underage drinking, arson (You think I'm kidding), drugs, public intoxication ...
(051) Been arrested: ...yes. :(
(052) Been on radio/TV: Yes. I ran the school's radio station for an hour for about a year. I've been caught on the news before too, but who hasn't.
(53) Been in a mosh-pit: YES. I LOVE MOSH-PITS. Normally I'm on the outside ring, catching people because I'm too weak to actually mosh, but it's so much fun!
(054) Had a nervous breakdown: A few times, mostly in college. There were a lot of factors, and they all sound really small, but I nearly killed myself. I think being in school for 3 years, suddenly having to deal with everyone's problems including my own, and then top that with being tired and harassed, I freaked out. Badly. I ran away for a week and then dropped out. Basically it cost me $40,000 because it was passed the drop-out date and didn't care. Last semester was terrible, but here's hoping I finish successfully.
(055) Been criticized about your sexual performance: Productively, but yes.
(056) Had a dream that kept coming back: Not in a few years, thank god, but they were mostly when I was younger. I more have "reoccurring places in dreams" than actual reoccurring dreams.
(057) Seen your favorite band play: OMG YES I SAW MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE and I was super disappointed. I found Gerard Way's stage persona obnoxious.
(058) Owned a pair of big sunglasses: My sunglasses now are pretty big ...
(059) Worn a huge hat: Yes! I have a huge fuzzy orange hat!
(060) Judged other people by their clothing: Only if they're grubby. But not really.
(061) Been told you have good taste: Umm ... no.
(062) Been romantically and physically attracted to someone: I think romance will lead to physical attraction in my case. If I find someone I find physically attractive I'd rather get to know them first, and usually I end up not finding them attractive at all. Sigh. Everyone I like physically ends up being a jerk ...
(063) Been used?: In the worst sense of the word, no. But I think I've let people take advantage of me emotionally.
(064) Been in an abusive relationship?: I think this can be argued.
(065) Life on other planets: Yes. I don't think they're anywhere near us.
(067) Astrology: To a certain extent. I believe our personalities are effect by the time of the year that we're born, but I don't think astrology is an end-all to how a person can develop. This is to say, I think depending on when you're born, certain attributes can be prominent, but if a person's happenstance and upbringing cancels that out, then birthdays are secondary to how someone was raised. Astrology is super complicated anyway. Fortune-telling is just bullshit.
(068) Magic: Sigh. I don't believe in magic.
(069) God: Not the typical definitions of god, but yes.
(070) The Devil: No, because of my definition of god.
(071) True love: I do not believe that any two people are "destined" for each other. Partners may find someone more suitable for them, but eventually everyone settles. So, no.
(072) Ghosts: Yes I do, actually.
(073) Rebirth: I believe energy from once living objects and creatures are absorbed by the next life that needs the energy to power whatever gives us life in the womb. To say "I was a cat in my past life" I think is stretching things; Perhaps you were, but you probably got the energy to live from a clump of grass.
(074) Love at first sight: I believe in mutual attraction, but it's a different story on if people love each other.
(075) Yin and Yang?: Yin and yang are the concept of "the balance of opposites", black needs white, man needs woman, etc. I'm not entirely sure I believe that anything can be a true opposite of something else, because if something is opposite, why do they need each other? I'd have to think about this. I believe in harmony of things that don't necessarily agree with each other, so maybe yes.
(076) Witches: I certainly know some witches ...
(077) The Easter Bunny: Lol no.
(078) Santa Clause: I've never believed in Santa. I always thought he was a giant red snowman.
(079) That you laughed at: At? The OH MY GOD DOUBLE RAINBOW ACROSS THE SKY guy.
(080) That laughed at you: Probably CJ. She's so mean to me.
(081) That hurt you: Myself. I have a nice bruise on my arm from trying to climb a tree.
(081) That turned you on: Uhh...
(082) That kissed you: Haven't been kissed in a while ...
(083) That hugged you: CJ!
(084) That you went shopping with: ... CJ and Meghan! We went grocery shopping for dinner!
(085) To disappoint you: Myself. The answer is always "myself".
(086) That made you cry: Hmm. I think I started bawling during "The Secret of Kells" when I thought a character died trying to protect what he considered his adopted son. Parent/child stories always go straight to my heart.
(087) That brightened up your day: CJ!
(088) You saw a movie with: I think the last movie I saw was "The Last Airbender" with Alex, Ryan and Marcie. That night we went skinny dipping.
(089) You talked to on the phone: My friend, Matthew. He wants me to see his play that he directed.
(090) You talked to on text message: Pretty sure Meghan, about when I was going to clean her house.
(091) You talked to on IM: CJ.
(092) That made you smile: Matthew. He's really excited. AND HE GOT ME A PRESENT.
(093) That made you laugh: Still CJ.
(094) That saw you cry: Mom. When she was yelling at me.
(095) That bought you something: CJ bought me and Meghan lunch today.
(096) That danced with you: STILL CJ.
(097) That you had a crush on: I'm not sure. It was probably an anime character.
(098) What do you find romantic?: Just ... being friends. That's the most I want out of anyone.
(099) What are your turn-ons?: I will assume I'm already dating/friends with this person and say: Back rubs.
As far as friendship ... I usually have to share a common interest. Otherwise, I've been good friends with people that I have nearly nothing in common with. I'll be friends with anyone as long as they're willing to have a good-humoured discussion about our differences, but accept them and have a laugh over anything. I need laid-back people.
(100) What are your turn-offs?: Arrogance, presumptuousness, psudo-intellect. People that think OMG EVERYTHING IS A BIG. FUCKING. DEAL, hygiene.
(101) What is best about the opposite sex?: I like how boys smell, and sometimes they're the best cuddlers.
(102) What is best about the same sex?: LET ME ENTHRALL YOU WITH A STORY.
One night I went out with my biffles, CJ and Meghan, with a couple of other female friends to Steak 'n Shake for some late-night eats. There wasn't much special about that night, except I had mostly been in the fraternities with the guys for a few weeks. I realized the way we joked around was about the same; My female friends tend to be about the same in personality as my guy friends ... but then I told everyone, "You know, I love my guy friends, but sometimes I just really need to be around some girls."
And they all understood what I meant. I think my best friends have mostly been girls, and I think it's because we truly regard each other as equals. I don't have to worry about sexuality or comfort levels or have that smidgen of, "I'm physically stronger than you and so I'm superior" lurking in the background. I can just be friends with girls, and we'll understand each other because there's nothing in the way. And that's what I like most about them.
(103) What is the last present someone got you?: I think I'll count lunch as a present. So CJ! But Mom folded my laundry, which is always cool. So MOM.
(104) What makes you happy?: Not worrying about things.
(105) What is your B-day?: March, 2, 1988, year of Dragon, month of the Pisces.
(106) What is your favorite movie?: 1997 Titanic!
(107) What is your favorite band?: My Chemical Romance.
(108) What is your favorite type of movie?: Hmm. Dramas and comedies.
(109) What is your favorite season?: Autumn!
(110) What is your favorite month?: March.
(111) What is your favorite Holiday?: Fourth of July and Thanksgiving.
(112) What is your favorite language?: German.
(113) What is your favorite thing to do?: Being around my most awesome friends.
(114) What is your favorite color(s)?: The pretty ones!
(115) Your best friend(s): CJ, Meghan, Alex, Matthew, Stephanie.
(116) The one person you can trust with any thing?: ... I love my friends, I do. But I don't tell them everything.
(117) Your favorite singer?: Vienna Teng.
(118) Your favorite actor?: Johnny Depp.
(119) Your favorite actress?: I can't tell them apart.
(120) Your favorite President?: I don't know enough about presidents to answer this question. :(
Let's see. Yesterday Meghan and CJ spent the night. We watched more Excel Saga, which is fabulous when we just want something-or-other to watch and not think about it too much. Then CJ had to work, so Meghan and I sat in the library while CJ did paperwork stuff. Then CJ took us to lunch and we sat in Wendy's for three hours reading Homestuck. Meghan loves it. We knew she would.
Harump. AND I CURSED IN FRONT OF CHILDREN. STUPID STUPID DUMB. Then we went to CJ's house and watched the Phineas and Ferb movie, which was actually pretty funny.
"Well, we believe in you, and you believe in us. So by the transitive property of believing, you believe in yourself."
C'mon. There's no way. No way. They even had Vocaloids! IT WAS PURPOSEFUL.
Then CJ gave me her old school books, eggs, and took us home. We rocked out to Queen and had a philosophical discussion on why I save porn because the pictures are pretty. Well. It mostly involved us yelling incoherently about penises but that's beside the point.
And I tried to climb a tree. Which according to Meghan is pretty funny when my ass is hanging out.