Seriously nearly just shat myself when Kurt woke up from a nap in the car screaming and then started having some sort of panic attack. How is my heart still beating?
I didn't even think about nightmares in the car being a possibility. It's important you keep him honest. He's going to want to deny everything, but don't let him BS you. He's doing it to protect you, but it doesn't help him.
He was talking to me, it might have stirred things up for him. He hasn't denied anything, he's been telling me he needs help and how some things are for him. He just seems terrified of this place. How am I supposed to just leave him there?
He's terrified of how hard it is. Not of the place. He needs the help they can give him, but I know how you feel. Trust me. Just go visit him when you can and give him an anchor. Let them do what they can. He'll be better for it.
They said I can only visit for a couple of hours a day, and not at meal times. I get that, I do. I'm just trying to figure out if they'll get me arrested if I camp out in their garden with a sleeping bag between visits.
Yeah, but I don't want to get in the way of the treatment he needs. I'm just worried for him, but I understand he needs what he needs and they must have these rules for a reason. I just wish I could stay with him so he doesn't have to be alone. Being alone is never nice.
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