Aug 07, 2004 14:07
Well finally i'm back form Mexico.Man it just seemed like that trip went forever.BUt overall I though it was good. We had a diffent set of people than last year so the vibe was just alil different.Man itwas one awsome trip though.We ende up doing so much more than lastyear.. All togethor we painted a bible school, painted a church, painted a playground, and paint another building and also put a roof on it.Oh and redid some windows.I'd have to say that the best part of it was hanging with the people..Jake's dad Doug was so much fun on the trip the guy knew every prank ever done.PLus he was like the master carpenter.But i had alot of fun with ty and brandon, jake and rob...Juda would alwyas be gone...he was getting the ladies down there like none other..But down there alot of stuff happeneed alot of people talked to me and I just felt like I was slipping alot in my faith..ANd now after that trip im like back to normal...The trip was so awsome because in many ways it showed me where i needed to be and now i'm trying to get there..Ya know cancun was nice but i just like it because of one little piece of jewlery..that's all i say on that........ So the trip was awsome i found out i felt a little bit more for Something than i thought and i felt it...
Well i copme home form the trip like totally pumped to play my drums get some music going and my mom says you dont have a room...My basement flooded 4 inches..and my room was in the basement so now i had to sleep outside that night..Which was ok cuz it felt like mexico...But so now i'm living up in my old band room it's ok i guess i still wish i had that window to sneek people in thought..But now i found othere ways..
Also on top of all this me nick, jake, and brandon TRIED to do camelots doom2 last night...But i turned out we didn't finish due to camera failure and police interference...WE got caught out after curfu and my parents were called my dad, was lik ok so what and hung up..So i totally got off easy but my mom was slightly pissed that i was out...she didn't know what we were doing or where we were.BUt in the end she didn't care..>So wow i've had alot oging on this past week and i'm loving.....and i'm also very tired....and i need more sleep so goodbye.....