first real kiss:
First Job:
Saddlebrook Resort
first screen name:
um...i don't remember
first self purchased album:
I think it was 311...
first funeral:
My dads
first pets:
I had a Shih-tsu named Gismo
first piercing:
first true love:
Perhaps Meagan...first real love...
first big trip:
Road trip to Canada!!!!
last big car ride:
um....i drove to Miami once
last kiss:
few months ago
last good cry:
I never had any...good cries.
last movie seen:
I saw National Treasure couple nights ago...gooooooood movie
last beverage:
last food consumed:
As of now...turkey
last phone call:
That would be Krystal makin' sure she's takin' me to Orlando tomorrow
last TV show watched:
Family Guy!!!!!!!!!
last shoes worn: shoes?
last CD played:
Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue(the CD, not the song)
last item bought:
um...does food count?
last disappointment:
i don't wanna go there
last soda drank:
Mountain Dew
last ice cream eaten:
Cookie Dough!!!!!!!
last shirt worn:
My Homestar Runner drumline shirt