Movin' on up

Sep 11, 2005 05:41

I haven't blogged in what feels like forever, and seeing my last entry was on the 2nd, I guess that's a long time in internet-world. Well today is 9/11 and it's an amazing 4 years since the horrors we all lived through and the day everything changed. A good indicator that time has passed is seeing that 9/11 is on a Sunday when in 2001 it was on a Tuesday. Please take a moment today to remember what happened that day and appreciate who we are as Americans. No matter how fucked up our government is, especially now, the fact of what happened doesn't change.

Anyhow.... so there's been a lot going on in my life. First off, I FINALLY went permanent at work, and I'm all psyched. Today is my first day making a nice salary for doing the same job, which is always a good thing. Two Friday's ago they called me into an office and offered me a position, which was awesome. I went for a drug test that day and filled out the paperwork. By the end of the day, I had done all that was asked. I got an e-mail on Thursday that I would be permanent as of today. So that's that.

So this brings us to Meridith and I. We've been waiting for this since I started and given the green light, we immeadiately began apartment hunting. Day 1 of our search was a futile attempt because most offices were closed or the places didn't look nice. Some weren't in the best of area's. By expanding our search radius and bumping up the cut-off max rent a bit, we got better results. On Wednesday we went to a place near her first, and it was really nice. We got the info and moved onto some other places. It was a waste of time. Pretty much the first place had just about everything we wanted. The apartment has decent rent (decent for long island in 2005) and is really nice. We decided that this would be our future home. Yesterday we went in and filled out the application form and gave in $350 to get the ball rolling. They gotta run all their checks, but we'll have an answer as to approval on Monday. I'm slightly nervous, but it's out of my hands so I just gotta hope it all works out. They seem pretty flexible, so I'm hoping that factors into it.

We also went to the US Open women's final tennis match last night. It was a nice anniversary gift I had gotten Meridith. She's never been to a match. Well it ended up being domination, where the winner took the entire thing in 1 hour and five minutes. It was kind of a bummer in that sense, but it was a good time.

Alright. Time to eat breakfast and get ready for work. I gotta save up for that security deposit. :) Peace.

apt, work, meridith

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