DSSS reveals are up! YAY!
(I did go down to M2's neighbor's party, where there were yuppies and sparklers. Now I am home again and there are sirens and firework booms.)
Anyway, I wrote
Five ways Ray and Ray redefined romance for
It was a strange experience, as writing often is for me. Jade is awesome, and I really wanted to write something fabulous for her. So I wrote and I wrote and I had almost 5000 words of fic and it would NOT come together. (And because O isn't big on Ray/Ray and because I was in a perverse, not talking with people frame of mind, I didn't talk about the fic with anybody until
zabira awesomely stepped up with a later than last minute beta of much helpfulness. Must remember to grab people and make them brainstorm fic with me. It's good for me.) So, very late in the game, I snipped it down to five things, taking five moments from the fic and reshaping them for the format. And, though I was bummed that I couldn't pull off what I'd intended to write, I think it works far better in the 5 things format. I like how crisp it is, and I think the other stuff I cut helped make the 5 things more complex than they might have been if I'd started with a 5 things concept.
Also, Jade quite reasonably wanted low-angst, not mourning lost opportunities Ray/Ray where their innate decency comes through, and I perversely kept writing them as happy assholes. Glad that seems to have worked.
Amusingly (to me), much of the content I cut contained scenarios that were utilized far better in other DSSS fic this year, reinforcing my satisfaction with my decision to prune it down so drastically.
Anyway. Fic I wrote! DSSS rules! (And after I submitted my fic and while I was stressing, I had a dream where Sprat liked it, which made me feel better. Also, much more recently, I had a dream where
omphale23 gave me a sparkly clip-on nose ring which she also gave one of to
china_shop, leading me to realize that this was actually a set of sparkly clip-on earrings that she'd sent to us with the understanding that they were nose rings. I really loved my nose ring in the dream.)
ETA: And I have clearly had too much wine to remember to squee all over
ignazwisdom, who wrote the brilliant and wonderful
We'll Sweep Out the Ashes in the Morning for me. ♥!
Happy new year!