Zen meme

Aug 31, 2007 22:21

Lifted from malnpudl:

Q: How many keys are on your keychain?
A: 4. 1 car key, 2 house keys, 1 key to M2's house. I have another keychain with bike lock keys on it. My bike is pretty, all pink and white, but it's currently buried in the back of the carport with flat tires.

Q: What curse word do you use the most?
A: Huh. I think fuck. But damn might come close. Is that even a curse word?

Q: Do you own an iPod?
A: Yesssssss. B got it for me for Xmas. It plays vids and movies, is almost entirely devoted to podfic, and is nowhere near filled. Also, it's engraved with "Scream, little primate, scream!"

Q: What time is your alarm clock set for?
A: The clock broke, so my phone is set for 6:30. The dogs are my backup. They get fed first thing, which seriously works against me on the weekends.

Q: How many suitcases do you own?
A: 6 or 7, between both B and me. My favorites are a big red backpack I got to go to Europe in 2000 and a small suitcase with my mom's pre-marriage initials that's an excellent carry-on only piece.

Q: Do you wear flip-flops even when it's cold outside?
A: No. I wear sandals in all weather, but I really hate flip flops. Things between my toes like that are weird. My sandals have a loop around my big toe, but that's different.

Q: Where do you buy your groceries from?
A: Varies. When I had a kitchen, I relied heavily on the excellent farmer's market and Whole Foods/Central Market/Wheatsville for most stuff, with side forays to a couple of Asian markets and a Middle Eastern market. Now, mostly Whole Foods and HEB, with side forays to one of the Asian markets.

Q: Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
A: Take. I don't like either, and am a lousy photographer, but I don't much like having my picture taken.

Q: What was the last movie you watched?
A: Men With Guns? I feel like I've seen something else since, but can't remember. Today I watched one of CKR's eps of Da Vinci's Inquest. He was only in it something like three minutes. I feel robbed.

Q: If you won the lottery, what's the first thing you would buy?
A: My laptop. Or, pay for my laptop. That would be good.

Q: Has anyone ever called you lazy?
A: Hee. Pretty much everybody that's ever known me.

Q: Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster?
A: No. I fall asleep easily, most of the time. On the nights when I can't I usually get back up and read. I don't mind.

Q: What CD is currently in your CD player?
A: Huh. I don't really have a CD player, except for the one in the car that I rarely use. I think there's a DJ Shadow CD my brother burned for me ages ago in there now.

Q: Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
A: THIS IS ONE OF THE CENTRAL UNANSWERABLE QUESTIONS OF MY LIFE. I love milk. I love chocolate milk. So very, very much. Do not make me choose!

Q: Has anyone told you a secret this week?
A: More than I would like.

Q: When was the last time someone hit on you?
A: God, I have no idea. Friends flirt with me, but it's goodnatured and without intention. Strangers leer and honk (welcome to my neighborhood), but it's not specific to me. Maybe MJ?

Q: What did you have for dinner?
A: You do not want to know. I do not want to admit it. The last of the spaghetti (I made a vast quantity when I had access to a kitchen, but B didn't want any, so I ended up eating it every single meal the last couple of days), but it was a small bowl so I supplemented it with a tortilla and a slice of fake cheese. *wins at gross*

Q: Do you wear hoodies often?
A: Yeah, actually. When it's cooler. I have a baby blue and white "On the inside, I'm a poet. On the outside, shake, bad guys, shake" hoodie that I love a lot, even though it's gotten a bit stained. omphale23 rules incredibly hard, have I mentioned that lately?

Q: Can you whistle?
A: Nope. I can make something like a whistle, but I can't do it loudly and I can't carry a tune.

Q: Have you ever participated in a protest?
A: Yes. But, hey, why bother? Our president says "Size of protest - it's like deciding, well, I'm going to decide policy based upon a focus group."

Q: Who was the last person to call you?
A: B

Q: What is your favourite ride at an amusement park?
A: I don't like amusement parks, but I like those gravitron type rides (enclosed or not) where you line up around the edge and it spins until you're forced against the wall and can't move, and then it tilts up. Haven't been on one in over a decade though.

Q: Do you think people talk about you behind your back?
A: Yeah. Saying nice things, mostly.

Q: Did you watch cartoons as a child?
A: Yes.

Q: How big is your local mall?
A: Okay, we have at least three good-sized malls in town, but just down the road a ways is the San Marcos Outlets. YOU PEOPLE HAVE NO IDEA. Everything is bigger in Texas. Take the biggest mall you can imagine, right? And then imagine it a little bigger. And then plunk down another one of the same size right next to it (it really is two malls side by side). BIG.

Q: How many siblings do you have?
A: One brother, four years older. And my sister-in-law, who I love. (ETA: Look guys, I answered a whole meme without mentioning the twin I absorbded! Oh, wait. Oops.)

Q: Are you shy around the opposite sex?
A: To the same degree I am with most people, I think. More so with guys I think are hot.

Q: What movie do you know every line to?
A: Probably none. I know many lines to a crazy assortment of movies, but all? No way.

Q: Do you own any band t-shirts?
A: Nope.

Q: When was your last plane ride?
A: San Francisco to Denver to Austin, back from my brother's wedding.

Q: How many chairs are at your dining room table?
A: Ha. My dining table is in pieces in the carport. We have no chairs for it.

Q: Do you read for fun?
A: Yes, oh yes.

Q: Can you speak any languages other than English?
A: Dreadful Spanish. High school level, never used it much. I talk with Antonio (one of the guys who works on the house) but it's pretty bad.

Q: Do you do your own dishes?
A: Yes. In the bathroom sink. They drain in the bathtub.

Q: What colour is your bedroom painted?
A: Orange.

Q: Have you ever cried in public?
A: Yes.

Q: Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
A: I have a laptop. Mac. ♥ B has a PC desktop. It's actually really convenient having both; I use his for uploading and downloading big stuff and switch said stuff back and forth via the external hard drive.

Q: Which do you make, wishes or plans?
A: Can't say.

Q: Are you always trying to learn new things?
A: Nope. I'm lazy, you see? Sometimes.

Q: Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
A: Not specifically. I want a tattoo in a vague, admiring way.

Q: Do you believe that the guy should pay on the first date?
A: Not really. Probably not, actually, although I've always enjoyed it when they did.

Q: Can you skip rocks?
A: Not really. Haven't tried in years, and while I have managed to skip a rock, I was no proficient.

Q: Have you ever been to Jamaica?
A: No.

Q: What to snack on at the movie theatre?
A: Junior Mints.

Q: Who was your favorite teacher?
A: Mary Kay Gamel at UCSC. Absolutely wonderful prof who excelled at bringing out the best in her students.

Q: What is the weather like?
A: It was raining earlier, but I think it stopped. Peaked in the low nineties today, with scattered thunderstorms. Pretty clouds.

Q: Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos?
A: Yes. I'd like to. A couple one-night stands had a couple, I think, and my favorite ex has one. No experience with lots of tattoos.

Q: What was your favourite class in high school?
A: Tough one. I liked English but didn't like my teachers a couple of years in a row. Possibly English my senior year. I transferred out of honors so I wouldn't have the same awful instructor again, and the new guy was pretty cool. I hated Religion classes, but enjoyed sparring with the teachers. Had a couple excellent history/civics instructors. I really didn't like high school very much. You're shocked, I know.

Q: Do you enjoy traveling via airplanes?
A: No. I don't like airports and I hate takeoff and landing.

Q: What personality trait is a must-have in your preferred gender?
A: I don't know.

Q: Have you ever been attracted to someone physically unattractive?
A: No. In the sense that if I'm attracted to them, then I'm not finding them unattractive. I've been attracted to people other people found unattractive.

Q: When was the last time you slept on the floor?
A: Passed out on the bathroom floor a couple of months ago. I really can't remember otherwise. On an air mattress a while back, but that shouldn't count. I don't do a lot of floor-sleeping, apparently.

Q: What is your favourite alcoholic drink?
A: I like the kind with alcohol in it. Red wine, chocolate martini at the Driskill, lately I've been craving rich, sweet drinks. Kahlua and such. But I usually drink beer, cider, vodka, or wine.

Q: Do you like your living arrangement?
A: No.

Q: How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
A: I can get by with just a couple, rarely get more than seven. I nap sometimes.

Q: Do you eat breakfast daily?
A: YES. I wake up hungry.

Q: Are your days full and fast-paced?
A: Not so much, no.

Q: Did you ever get in trouble for talking in class?
A: Sure. Probably only once or twice, though.

Q: What is your favourite fruit?
A: Hmm...I tend to like tropical fruit: starfruit, pineapple, mango, lychee. Probably pineapple. I hate the smell of apples.

Q: Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages?
A: Hee. I'll check 'em out, but rarely alter my consumption accordingly.

Q: How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
A: 31.

Q: Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
A: To the extent of my knowledge. It bugs me when I see something I know is wrong, but I know my own grammar skills are lacking.

Q: Who was the last person to piss you off?
A: President Bush, when I reread the quote above. M1, yesterday.

Q: Do you believe that God has a gender?
A: I don't believe.

Q: What was the last thing you ate?
A: Didn't we cover this already? Beer. Weird spaghetti, tortilla, fake cheese thing. Do you enjoy my suffering?

Q: Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex?
A: Same, probably. Not a big difference.

Q: What did you dress up as for your first Halloween?
A: No idea.

Q: How did your parents pick your name?
A: It was the name of my mother's lamaze instructor. Really. She liked it, liked her instructor, named me.

Q: Do you like mustard?
A: Yes. Very much so.

Q: What do you tell yourself when things get hard?
A: Kill, kill, kill.

Q: Would you ever sky dive?
A: Hell, no.

Q: Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back?
A: On my stomach with my head turned to the right. I'm trying to change, because it's supposed to be bad for your back, and I woke up with a godawful crick a while back, but I haven't been able to. That's how I sleep.

Q: What character from a movie most reminds you of yourself?
A: No.

Q: Do you enjoy giving hugs?
A: Yes. I'm not always comfortable doing so, but I like it. I'm an enigma wrapped in a contradiction, I am.

Q: Would you consider yourself to be fashionable?
A: Not really.

Q: Do you own a digital camera?
A: My computer has a camera! I love it, even if it means I have roughly 200 pics of myself, which is not very healthy.

Q: If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel?
A: Awkward but flattered.

Q: What celebrities have you been compared to?
A: My grandmom said I looked like Ingrid Bergman. Grandmoms rule.

Q: Who is your favourite Star Wars character?
A: Han Solo. Or Chewbacca.

Q: Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call but never do?
A: Yeah, but that doesn't happen much. I'm not big on the phone, and most people who pull that are contractors or similar non-friends, so there's already anger issues.

Q: What books, if any, have made you cry?
A: Huh. Can't say. It's been a while.

Q: Do you think you're attractive?
A: Yes. Not stunning, and I have some very bad moments, but I'm attractive enough.

Q: What are you allergic to?
A: Cats, dust mites, lots of pollens and such. In college I did those shots in the arm to make your allergies better, and it was a wonderful, wonderful thing. Not so bad since.

Q: What's your opinion on sex without emotional commitment?
A: I'm a big fan. I'm a serial monogamist, with one-night stands in the interim. The one-night stands were rarely great sex, but I loved the easy dynamic.

Q: Do you ever feel guilty after eating meat?
A: Rarely. I love meat. I was a vegetarian for a decade or so. Changed my mind.

Q: If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name have been?
A: No idea. They used up both the major boy family names on my brother, so my parents might have branched out.

Wow. I just spent forever filling that out. It was weirdly satisfying.
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