Lifted from
Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, what significance does it have.
Yeah. I wasn't sure if I was going to do this meme, but idly started counting and this is number ten. So I committed myself wholeheartedly to the meme experience. I love this icon because
1. It's by
2. It's Callum looking hot and maybe laughing and his expression just kills me. There's so much personality there. He could be uncomfortable and sneering to himself about whoever is making him uncomfortable. He could be sitting in the sunshine with a cigarette, thinking "I love my fucking life." He could be thinking "Damn, my ass is sore" and shifting just a little. He could be laughing at somebody he loves enough to be a complete dick to. These are all happy thoughts.
3. It says "Fuck" on his shirt. I'm twelve, and I like that word.
This one is Dief! I like Dief! It's beautiful because it's by
troyswann, who is multitalented to a disgusting degree. Also, it's Dief!
This is a fairly recent acquisition. It was made my
_silent_rage_ who I don't know at all but who I fangirl for her icon skills. I usually shy away from text on my icons, unless it's personal, but the text works, the thumb on the lip really works, and I love the sexy, playful background-Fraser. I've mentioned before how it disturbs me that so many of my Fraser icons are sad or pretty or innocent or stoic, and how that probably reflects the way he is on the show. I want more sexed-up, laughing, horny Fraser icons. And, because I am weird, this one kind of fits the bill for me.
Dude. Another super-talented, multi-talented icon-maker here.
cherryice is one of my all-time favorite icon artists, and she writes good too. This one actually disturbs me a little. I love the colors and his neck, but he's so shiny and pretty that he kind of looks like a wax doll. And that actually works. For Fraser issues.
Love! This was made for me just me by
omphale23. I fucking LOVE icons that are all mine and my friends make just because they can. (See also the one I used for this post. I love dS 6 degrees. And Callum's crotch.) And it's Callum's hands and it's porny and it's disturbing because it's Jim Field and he's a fucking nut and a father and I love the not-easiness of him as porn icon.
the_familiar made this! And it's awesome! Look at his terrible self. Oh, Newbie. Very useful for the evil snicker comment. Also, there's a van Gogh thing going on in it that I like a lot. Also, boobies.
Aw. This came from a batch of icons
fyrstrm made for me as part of that awesome exchange
china_shop set up right after taking over mod duties for
ds_flashfiction. I loved that challenge, and I love the icons. The Dief icon above came from the same challenge.
ds_flashfiction rules.
A great one to end with. This is kind of a placeholder. I hardly ever use it, because it's just a crop I made and I have no skills, but I want an icon like it someday. The title of my LJ is "scream, little primate, scream," which is a thing B and I started to say years ago after watching
Aguirre: The Wrath of God (um, icon and the following vaguely spoilery for the movie. If anyone cares).
This is a shot from late in the film when Aguirre is going out of his gourd (further out of his gourd) and it's a powerful yet terribly inappropriately funny scene where Kinski is just acting up a storm, in rage and despair, picking up these tiny little monkeys and looking into their faces and flinging them away from him. And, of course, the monkeys are SCREAMING the whole time. As little monkeys do when crazy humans mistreat them like that.
Um. Yeah. So, for reasons that I don't know if I can put into words, "scream, little primate, scream" is something of a key phrase for me. It involves madness and helplessness and loss and how fucking hysterical they are. And cute monkeys. And, sometimes, mansex. I'm complex like that.
Whee! I just spent five years filling out this meme. Fantastic.
Now, you guys play. Gimme the pretty icons and the deep and the shallow thoughts, please. I like them.