Flashpoint 1.7
Cover the rear entry! Prepare for entry!
My maturity level, let me show you it.
Oh, Spike and Lewis's little chat about Romans and forests. ♥ We had to rewind to catch it, and it was worth it.
Mal adores the green filter; I'm finding it maybe a bit too much. The green, the green, it's very very green! I like how it reminds me of the green walls at the 2-7, how it makes Fraser's uniform pop. Ahhh, due South.
Crotchtastic! I would like to voice my firm opposition to those ads that obscure the bottom of the TV screen. I was deprived of Hugh crotch. That ain't cool.
God, ow. This family is so ouchie. Bad things happened here.
I do love the guest stars on this show. They're consistently interesting looking, good actors, often gorgeous in distinctive ways.
I now slash Spike and Lewis, oh yes I do. Overwhelming cuteness with the backpack. Overoveroverwhelming.
(Maybe not slash. Want them to be together and be puppies and maybe also date. Also, Spike is still the cat robot.)
Huh. This may be the first Flashpoint that hasn't made me cry. It seemed to go by really quickly; they got to the climax while I was still waiting for some more build-up. 12! 12 is a wonderful age to be.
And, hm. We are so painfully in need of some Lewis characterization. Show! GIVE. I'm a little concerned. Unless I missed something nifty and subtle they've done, so far he's the terribly familiar very nice and handsome and mild and excruciatingly boring CoC standing in the back. Which, thanks, no. And I trust the show enough to give him some development one of these days, but it's been some days already and hurry up now! (Tonight was good, tonight was adorable and definitely better, but he was still mainly supporting the Spike show.) And, um, does anybody have any prior knowledge of/emotional attachment to Mark Taylor? He hasn't been given much of anything to work with, but so far I'm not getting much from him either. He does the robot reading in the truck well, but in conversation with other characters he seems flat. Aside from being very very very good-looking. Which, it could be very cool to have a more reserved character on the show, an actor whose appeal isn't quite so charismatic fizzy, but reserved =/= boring and undeveloped. Or affectless actor. *crosses fingers for show to be awesome and Taylor to be awesomely subtle and for Lewis to have an interesting future*