Things what rock:
I posted the definitive post-CotW-in-Canada epic over at
So I'm feeling pretty good about that.
DS/C6D Tag Game!
bluebrocade posted a really cool rec set:
Oldies but Goodies, 10 Recs from 10 Flashfiction Challenges of Yore.
belmanoir posted
Man Enough To Admit It (Ray/Ray).
spuffyduds posted
Tease (F/K).
arrow00 posted
Slimed (F/K) AND
bonus DS icons.
\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/
How much do you guys rock? A LOT.
And it turns out that we'll be tagging away through the end of the month, give or take. I'll have to do some planning for how to work around my travel plans and bitchin' party (hint: it will involve puppy eyes and asking for help), but this I can do. Because I like this game. I like it a lot.