Aug 24, 2004 16:23
"take me as i am, i'm not broken" bad days are the burden of our lives...we seem to carry them around forever. but they make the great days that much better.
today wasn't as long as yesterday... but it just seems like i've been in school much longer than i actually have been. weird. this block scheduling is wacking my brain up. see..i can't even make a decent sentence about it. my classes are alright. meh..if you will. i have to sing for the chorus teacher on thursday. this makes me.. a little hesitant. i don't have a problem with singin for like... a few thousand people..but just, it creeps me out. i'm weird like that. i would feel better if i knew him better...but it would still creep me out. and don't tell me i have nothin to worry about cuz that won't make me feel better. so don't even think about sayin that. let's see..i have chem tomorrow... along with spanish 3 and algebra 2. eh?
try again. public speaking isn't as hard as i thought. the people are nice.. except this one kid. he is SOOO wacko. i swear to god..i'm gonna strangle him.. he's not mean or anything. he's just..special. strange beyond all reason... psycho... ok i'll stop. i had a free period first period today. heh. that was...actually i should have just slept in. lol. an hour and a half more sleep woulda done me some good. but i had i'm a dumbass..i did all the hw due tomorrow last night..and i didn't do the hw due today. heh. and now i'm just staring at my zipper purse. i <3 it! hehe. thanks again Em.
it was funny..Hilary came up to me today after school at my locker (after she succefully saved my purse for me!! hehe..almost forgot it...) and said..well, whispered.. (hell knows why..) "be nice to Sammie, she like you a lot!!" and i was like oook. (sammie's a girl... btw) and she's a very cool person. her boyfriend is in like 3 of classes... it's insane. like world lit, spanish, and chem. lol. nice person tho. o well..i duno why i wouldn't be nice to's not like she's a bitch or anything. then i'd have a reason...heh. she told me cuz she "knows me" or whatnot..i'm not mean without a reason!!... just to clarify. well it's 4:30 i should go do my hw or something stupid like that.
::Anna:: *sigh*
"fear falls like rain"