Tiny Voices. . .

Sep 08, 2004 18:47

so how does everyone like the non-posting on the lj front eh? well let's see. . . ummmmm i've been working since last posting and tomorrow is my first day off in forever, minus friday(king's dominion). . . *day off dance* so i will spend it playing video games(go me) and in contemplation over the fact that there is absolutely NOTHING to do in stafford county.
so i went to king's dominion on friday, most non-girl/non-alcholic fun i've had in a long time. we hit all rides, minus two, the one that jets you over a giant dip and the anaconda, and were there from opening to closing. saturday spent at the halloween scene. . . enough said*disgust face*
sunday la mancha, then rainy soccer. monday work and then goodbye party for andrew at sean's house where i got banned from the porch(geez you walk out and help the girls with trivia and the guys want to get rid of you). tuesday work. weds. work, in the rain. then filling in for DJ in la mancha. . .
and that brings us up to date on the boringness that is. . . my life. . .
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