Nazis.... not your friend

Dec 31, 2006 13:54

Updates, updates, updates.....

LIVING: Big update number one, I moved. I'm now living in a house in Winter Park, on Formosa off of Fairbanks. If any UCF people are reading, my roommates are Sam Little and Mike Gill. But anyway, the house is awesome and we're having a good time there.

I also don't want to blow your mind just yet, but Guitar Hero 2 is hooked up. That's right. You heard me.

JOB: I'm still working as a waiter at the Starlight, but I finished 3 shows there (Grease, Pirates of Penzance, and Singin in the Rain) and am now doing 3 more (Cabaret, Babes in Arms, and Guys and Dolls).

Let me take the time to promote Cabaret. It opens this weekend, runs for 6 weeks. It's pretty crazy. It's definitely not the "normal" version of Cabaret, it's a little out there. And yes, I play a Nazi. And yes, most of the show I am wearing just pants and suspenders. And yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.

Cabaret has really helped me though. I've learned so much. We've all heard of the legends of the Nazi party. But we all thought that it was made up to scare children--like the Boogeyman or Michael Jackson. My impression of Nazis is completely different now. They're not the fun loving scamps getting into trouble, playing marbles, and having meetings of the He-Man Woman Haters Club, like we thought.. That Alfalfa is a liar.
Apparently, they were slightly Anti-Semetic. I'll never be able to watch those little rascals again.

I think we all can agree on onething though. Slavery? Not cool. No matter what your friends say.

Speaking of ectoplasmic activity, Ghostbusters is on TV right now and I still think it's a funny movie, although Ghostbusters 2 had it beat in several areas. Walking Statue of Liberty? That's the America I know.

I'm now going to summarize a day in life of Adam at work.

Me: Hello, my name is Adam and I"m going to be taking care you guys this evening. Can I get you something to drink?
Old Lady: I want water!
Me: There's water right in front of you.
Old Lady: (drinks water) This water's cold!!!
Me: Oh I'm sorry ma'am, my mistake, allow me to heat it up for you. (Leaves, comes back with scalding water)
Old Lady: Ahhh, now that's refreshing. It was so hot in here. Thank you, young man.
Me: No, thank you Martha Washington. Can I get you guys something to eat?
Old Man: In Korea we used to eat bamboo covered with cow manure!
Me: Alright, so it's the meatloaf for you sir...
Older Lady: Do you have anything without garlic?
Me: Possibly the garlic potatoes.
Older Lady: But I can't have any garlic!
Me: Then you're gonna be on the toilet tonight.

Ahhh the more you know...

Anyway kids, Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. If you're gonna drive home, have a couple beers first so you don't get self-conscious about your driving.
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