Wikipedia already had me. That's right kids, it already had me.

Oct 20, 2006 06:00

Bahumat tonight exclaimed his surprise at how it is incorrect to add the suffix -ly to a particular word. Can't remember the exact one, but it's pretty common to see it done anyway. I reminded him that we are talking about the English language and anyone could feel free to add something like -ly or -ness to any word they felt like. My example was "waffleness," which had him laughing at me for about two minutes, and was apparently amusing enough for him to order me to record it.

In other news, I've been pretty busy with social engagements lately and it seems like I haven't had more than three or four days off to myself in months. I'm not complaining, but with things so crazy it's making me somewhat spoiled for attention. Not good.

Life's dealt me one or two very odd cards lately; stuff straight outta left field. Not entirely good, certainly not bad, but absolutely unexpected. Gonna be dealing with it for a while, I think.

Currently playing through the campaign of Dawn of War: Dark Crusade using the Necrons, whom I've taken a strong liking for, to my surprise. I was sorta suspecting that the Necrons may be a bit overpowered considering how I've been sweeping the floor with the computer opponent on normal, but having tried and badly failed twice to capture territory from Chaos Marines I'm beginning to re-examine this theory. Something about having my entire screen filled with demons and marines and giant twisted machines of war really fucks up whatever strategy I have.

For music, I've been listening to some dub from, (check out #2) having been inspired to try it again by reading Neuromancer - great book! Also, lots of Venetian Snares on Tuesday and Wednesday, with nothing but hardcore beats tonight and for the next day or two probably.
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