sooo bored.... why not try a quiz?

Jan 05, 2006 10:45

Smoked a cigar - nope

Made out with a member of the same sex - nope

Crashed a friend's car - not yet

Stolen a car - no

Skipped school - Yes

Slept with a co-worker - no

Slept with more than 15 people - nope

Been called a slut - probably

Had a one night stand - not yet

Slept with someone whose name you didn't even know - no

Seen someone die - yes

Shoplifted - no

Snuck out of your parent's house - yup

Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back - ya

Been arrested - No

Gone on a blind date - no

Had a crush on a teacher - no

Been to Canada - born and raised

Been to Mexico - no

Been on a plane - yes

Thrown up in a bar - I can hold my liquor

Purposely set a part of yourself on fire - no I'm not an idiot

Eaten Sushi - yes very frequently...perhaps too often

Been snowboarding - once....I suck

Been moshing at a concert - no

Taken painkillers - ya

Love someone or miss someone right now - yes

Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - I do this alot

Questioned your heart - possibly...I dont really get the question

Been obsessed with post-it notes - No, but I have witnessed someone become addicted to them (ari)

Squished barefoot through the mud - no I wear shoes

Been lost - Yes in the New York subway system...not fun

Been to the opposite side of the country - ya Vancouver represent

Swam in the ocean - nope

Felt like dying - no

Cried yourself to sleep - once

Played cops and robbers - of course

Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers - no

Sung karaoke - Yes I rule!

Paid for a meal with only coins - Yeah, lets just say I'm not welcome back there

Done something you told yourself you wouldn't - Too often

Made prank phone calls - Yea...I used to be pretty damn immature

Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose - HAHAHA..too many times

Caught a snowflake on your tongue - ya

Danced in the rain - probably

Written a letter to Santa Claus - no, but Moses has received many lol

Been kissed under a mistletoe - see above statement, more like beside the chanukiah

Watched the sun rise with someone you care about - lol I'm never up that early

Blown bubbles - Yes

Made a bonfire on the beach - no

Crashed a party - a few times

Gone roller skating - Yeah

Had a wish come true - I'm sure at least one has come true

Humped a monkey - lol I dont want to talk about it

Worn pearls - no

Jumped off a bridge - no

Screamed penis in class - HAHA yes once again, not very mature

Ate dog/cat food - almost, thank G-d someone stopped me

Told a complete stranger you loved them - no

Kissed a mirror - probably

Sang in the shower - Too often, and too loudly

Have a little black dress - no

Glued your hand to something - yes

Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - no

Kissed a fish - ate a fish!

Worn the opposite sex's clothes - Yeah, not cool at all. way too tight in the wrong places

Been a cheerleader - no

Sat on a roof top - ya, it was quite cool

Screamed at the top of your lungs - occasionally

Done a one-handed cartwheel - can I even do two-handed?? NO

Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours - yes

Stayed up all night - Yes

Didn't take a shower for a week - no I value cleanliness

Picked and ate an apple - Ya all those applepicking trips in like grade 1 or 2 or something

Climbed a tree - Yeah I used to be all about that

Had a tree house - no I was a deprived child :(

Are scared to watch scary movies alone - no, but it is funnier with more ppl, especially ppl who get scared easily

Believe in ghosts - no

Have more then 30 pairs of shoes - I have around 3

Worn a really ugly outfit to school just to see what others say - lol yes
Gone streaking - not yet

Played ding-dong-ditch - Wtf?

Pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - no

Been told you're hot by a complete stranger - Yeah... not often enough though lol

Broken a bone - a few fingers

Been easily amused - always

Caught a fish then ate it - no, only caught it

Caught a butterfly - yes

Laughed so hard you cried - ya

Cried so hard you laughed - no, I dont really do that

Mooned/flashed someone - mooned

Had someone moon/flash you - moon...not cool

Cheated on a test - yes

Have a Britney Spears CD - hell no

Forgotten someone's name - often

Slept naked - yup

French braided someone's hair - whats the difference between french braid and regular braid?

Gone skinny dipping - no
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