A Benefit show for the historical SORG Opera House in Middletown. Presented by: Road Apple Music Theatre.
Address: 65 South Main Street, Middletown Ohio, 45044.
Show time: 3PM to 10 PM with the Rocky Horror Picture Show starting at 11:30PM
Cost: Free to the public, but we humbly ask that everyone gives a donation to support the Opera House.
Attn: The cut off date for accepting entries is July 11th. From everyone else, I will be messaging people individually to find out exactly what each of you are doing so I may develop a time schedule.
Attn: All involved with presenting their work at the show. I suggest that everyone makes themselves a personal small flier with your contact information to hand out at the show. That way if people like your work or want to contact you for a future event... it could even be a small business card; whatever you would feel comfortable
handing out. We have peaked the interest of many people now. The list keeps growing, and this event looks to be a wonderful experience! More details to come about the venue, time frames, and a show date.
This is day 13 of promoting an ever growing list of creative minds coming together for 1 off-the-wall event! I urge anyone wanting to attend, help out with promoting, and getting your friends to this occasion to repost this bulletin, and to tell your friends that when the time, date, and place of this show is revealed to be there!
There will be audio, visual, and written art available for digestion. Sensory overload all day!!! What more could you want... I hope it doesn't involve sitting around complaining because there is nothing to do.
Here are all that have shown interest in attending, playing, promoting, and displaying their art. Every name, and picture is linked so please feel free to click on them, and add each artists/person as you see fit ;]
People with an interest:
Hot Carl [Cruel is Cool] 209 SINS AKA DR. DAVID LABOR Brandon magnanimous magpie sexy jesus in a speedo Joe Hedges Mia midwest mayhem Mark G's ART ATTACKS!! Arrow Down Hill Supporters:
the Conspirators of the Occult Anorexorcist creeeeeeep Tyler Z. Allison The Fist Krazy J Claytron 2020 Keine Panik The Speakeasy The Fiend Of Grue Kami more TBA
Writers/Spoken Word:
The Film Fiend Morning Masturbation psychoacoustics Artists:
J. Bethlehelle Mandy Tudor Jess Jennifer "D-TAL"X with live dress making sLip The Fiend Of Grue bright eyed photography Allison Adam Denny HeriAdrian [Heri] Dodd Krazy J Tipton BlueBloOdyArtist222 tHe
WoRLD AcCoRdiNg To StUmP Amy-O Infinity's End Jacurutu3 Casiedy Claytron 2020 Art by DAHC
Art by Phillip
more TBA
Video Artist
[Heri] Dodd Mike TV Krazy J Tipton Casiedy Audio created by:
more TBA
Special Independent Film Promotion of:
Plus more supporters, and artists, and audio TBA:
If You Live In OHIO or Are Close To Ohio
Prepare to come together for artistic events!!! Featuring insanely creative individuals sharing their reality!
If you would like to display your art!
If you would like to make audio experiments!
If you would like to present your self published writings!
If you would like to participate or witness!
please contact me at:
~ Casiedy
Join our ever growing local community!
Making Ohio a better place ;]