May 24, 2006 22:05
it's frickin' HOT here, people. those of you who say minnesota is cold can stuff it. i'm sweating like crazy here. i'm glad we have a/c in the bedroom or the griffins would be two miserable people, that's for sure.
lola has decided that her mission as a kitty is to pounce on and obliterate every bug she sees. it's kind of cool. she's already killed two mosquitos. it's too bad that she killed them AFTER they bit the shit out of my legs and feet.
her work is still appreciated, though.
speak of appreciating work, i appreciate that my hubby scrubbed the bathroom today. it's sparkling! i hate cleaning the bathroom, so i'm glad he did it :) and he cleaned up the kitchen and the living room, too. YAY!
he'll be home soon (i hope). i'm looking forward to retreating to my chilly bedroom, since sitting out here in the living room is killing me. i hope this isn't a sign of how summer will be, or i'll be pissed.
goodnight, y'awl.
it's hot,
good hubby