the hubs and i had a great time at his mom's house in wisconsin. we ate lots of ham, drank lots of wine, and came home with a fridge full of leftovers. what's better than that?
i'll tell you!
watching lola freak the fuck out when we introduced her to CATNIP! that poor kitty went crrrrrrrrraazzzzzzzzzyy! it was an awesome sight, for real.
we gave her like two branches (p's mom used to grow it herself for her kitty Sophie, who died last year) and she went nuts. i caught some of it on our camera, but i was laughing so hard it didn't turn out so hot. but trust me. she loves the 'nip.
p's mom had a treasure hunt set up for us to do. and even though we're in our 30s and 40s we had a good time reading clues and finding the treasure (which was a box full of cash!)
a clue was hidden in the birdhouse, but p's mom stuffed it in there so far we couldn't get it out. so she just told us where the next one was. too cute.
after dinner, p fell asleep in the hammock
it was so windy out, my hair was blowing all over the place. awesome.