Sep 28, 2002 04:34
Well, ut2k3 rocks!! I couldn't play it initially because it kept freezing up. Needed a driver for my vid card. My sweetie fixed it up for me. It's great having a geek girlfriend.
So we're going to Gaston for a bit of gaming later today. I really should be sleeping but I can't because i need to. Tom and Michael, we'll miss you guys tommorrow! I'll cameo your characters as NPC's and let you know how they do.
Woke up in the middle of a nic fit. Had to go to the store to get tobacco at 3am. Sucked. Need to quit.
So I finished Jak and Daxter at about 0130 when I woke up. Trael will be pissed that I finished it before her, but c'est la vie! I AM THE CHOSEN ONE! Trying to decide what to finish next. HEY> LET"S PUT IT TO A VOTE! That's right, you can VOTE for which game Slick Friction will finish next because he has a lame existence and pretty much works, eats, occasionally games and AMTgards, and plays a shite-load of video games! Cast your votes here!! The options are....
Warriors of Might and Magic
Spyro the Dragon (This would keep me busy for a while cuz there are 3 of them)
Deus Ex (again)
Silent Hill
god, I need a life.