Today.... mmm.

May 20, 2003 01:36

Today's Virgo Horoscope
August 23 - September 22

All of that hard work and extra effort you've been applying to your goals is finally about to pay off. Its nice to see the results of your intense labor, and you're front and center to receive the applause, the reward or whatever payoff it brings you. This is a day to celebrate all that you can accomplish, and it's important not to exclude anyone from the festivities. Some people may be a bit jealous, but they'll get over it once they see how much you actually deserve to be the center of attention.


Your love fills the room. Anyone not directly involved is amazed by the intensity of your gaze. Your beloved gets the message, even when no words are spoken. Together you move to a more private, comfortable place.
Find a perfect match...


Ferocious performances during tech team meetings turn you into hot merchandise. Go for a lunch date if you get a chance. Steamy love scenes could enhance your afternoon.
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