
Aug 04, 2006 22:09 I went to the hospital today. That was no fun. Interesting, but no fun. I just woke up.

I called my doctor to see what was going on with all the weird stuff and she told me to not wait and go to the ER. So I went and first thing I get the lab tech from hell who stabbed me three times (twice in my arm and once in my hand). My arm is so bruised now. Next I got to go through the loveliness of two ultrasounds.

The first one was just an external on so it just hurt a little bit. The next one though was internal and lasted about 30 minutes. I had three people walk in on me. The lady doing it felt so bad but I assured her I don't have too much modesty left because of all the pelvics I've had to get done. She had to get some other lady to help her too because she couldn't find the blood flow in my right ovary. After that I had to get cathed for my UA which hurt like a bitch. My nurse wasn't very nice about it either. Luckily though, the pain meds kinda kicked in and were making me really sleepy by the time they did the pelvic.

Unfortunately, the only thing they could do for me was to give me some percocet and send me on my way. They had to do all those tests to make sure nothing out of the ordinary was wrong with me. I have pretty obvious symptoms for what they're doing my surgery for, so I just have to wait it out and the people told me at the hospital that that was the only thing I really can do. My PA felt really bad about it because the only next step is the surgery and I'm already scheduled for the sixteenth so they cant really do anything unless my doctor bumps up my surgery. Le sigh.

I hate waiting. Oh well. Time for more sleep---I work at 7 am.

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