1. Who are you?
My name is Trenton Oliver Barber. I go by Ollie in most online venues but my close friends generally call me Trent.
2. What are the 3 most important things everyone should know about you?
I am interested in going into psychology to counsel at risk youth, specifically in the lgbtqa community. I'm transsexual. I am a fucking geek.
3. When you aren't filling out 5,000 question surveys like this one what are you doing?
Running roleplays, writing for roleplays, playing video games, watching television, doing freelance web design, trying my best to enjoy my life.
4. List your classes in school from the ones you like the most to the ones you like the least (or if you are out of school, think of the classes you did like and didn't like at the time).
That's a lot of classes so I'm cheating. My favourites were art and English while my least favourites were maths and gym.
5. What is your biggest goal for this year?
Get accepted into my 4 year university of choice.
6. Where do you want to be in 5 years?
Working on my Master's degree. In a fulfilling and life affirming relationship. Happy.
7. What stage of life are you in right now?
I'm in the stage of life where school is my focus. I may be back at university late in life for numerous reasons but it's now my priority. That said, I'm also in a stage in life where being in a stable relationship would be nice as well.
8. Are you more child-like or childish?
I really am not sure how to answer this. Child-like, I think. I grew up fast so the idea of being childish or child-like is a strange one.
9. What is the last thing you said out loud?
"Holy shit, new episode of Dexter."
10. What song comes closest to how you feel about your life right now?
Well the last song I posted on tumblr was Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran so let's go with that.
11. Have you ever taken martial arts classes?
No, but it's something I've considered.
12. Does your life tend to get better or worse or does it just stay the same?
Better. My life used to be really shitty and the last couple of years I've really pulled myself out of that. I plan to keep on that path.
13. Does time really heal all wounds?
Yes. They might leave scars but scars don't hurt as much as fresh injuries.
14. How do you handle a rainy day?
I like the rain so it doesn't much bother me.
15. Which is worse...losing your luggage or having to sort out tangled holiday lights?
Losing luggage, I can't even imagine that feeling of being out of control.
16. How is your relationship with your parents?
My mom is great and we're practically best friends. My dad, well, I haven't spoken to him in a decade.
Will you miss them when they are gone?
I'm not sure I'd know how to handle losing my mother so yes.
17. Do you tend to be aware of what is going on around you?
Yep, I'm actually very perceptive if I'm not wrapped up in something else.
18. What is the truest thing that you know?
Life goes on.
19. What did you want to be when you grew up?
Various things but the most common was a teacher. Which is funny since I hate speaking in front of people. I could never be a teacher, honestly.
20. Have you ever been given a second chance?
Yes. I'm not sure I was the one who should have been asking for it, looking back.
21. Are you more of a giver or a taker?
I try to be in a neutral area in the middle. That said, I hope I'm a giver.
22. Do you make your decisions with an open heart/mind?
Yes. I am choosing to make this be yes. I'm tired of being so unyielding to new experiences.
23. What is the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to you?
The night before my gall bladder surgery and the day of it. I was in so much pain the morphine couldn't cut it all.
24. What is the most emotionally painful thing that has ever happened to you?
Being abandoned by the one person who promised never to do it.
25. Who have you hugged today?
I actually haven't hugged anyway.
26. Who has done something today to show they care about you?
My mom, Kristina, Ty, Bekka.
27. Do you have a lot to learn?
I think everyone has a lot to learn.
28. If you could learn how to do three things just by wishing and not by working what would they be?
A Play an instrument
B Speak Chinese
C Get published (this doesn't really count but I'm using it anyway)
29. Which do you remember the longest: what other people say, what other people do or how other people make you feel?
This is tough. How they make me feel. I'm an emotional person. Being hurt can take a lot out of me.
30. What are the key ingredients to having a good relationship?
Communication is the top thing. Without it, things just won't work. Trust is huge. Both of those basically lead to honesty. And love, of course. That spark might fade over time but it never goes away.
31. What 3 things do you want to do before you die?
A Get married
B Backpack through Europe
C Get out of this town
32. What three things would you want to die to avoid doing?
A Killing someone else?
B This is really hard
C So I fail
33. Is there a cause you believe in more than any other cause?
34. What does each decade make you think of:
The 19..
20's: Jazz
30's: Hitler
40's: Oliver Twist
50's: Greasers
60's: Elvis
70's: Disco
80's: Childhood
90's: Grunge
2000 (so far): Adult
2010's: Tumblr let's be real.
35. Which decade do you feel the most special connection to and why?
The 90's as far as a decade I've lived through. However, really, the 50's. I should have been a cismale in the 50's.
36. What is your favorite oldie/classic rock song?
I Saw Her Standing There
37. What country do you live in and who is the leader of that country?
USA, Obama.
If you could say any sentence to the current leader of your country what would it be?
Yeah I really shouldn't answer this. It would be way longer than a sentence. Suffice it to say, my hope is gone.
38. What's your favorite TV channel to watch in the middle of the night?
Honestly, I just watch stuff on Netflix.
39. What Disney villain are you the most like and why?
I don't watch a lot of Disney but uhh Scar. Mostly related to rp but oh well.
40. Have you ever been a girl scout/boy scout?
Funny story, I was both. Ask me about it.
41. If you were traveling to another continent would you rather fly or take a boat?
Fly although a boat sounds interesting.
42. Why is the sky blue during the day and black at night?
The sun's lights make the sky appear blue.
43. What does your name mean?
Holy fuck no, I can't. I chose my own name so there's too much behind it. However, my first name was after Trent Reznor and Trent from the Daria cartoon.
44. Would you rather explore the deeps of the ocean or outer space?
Outer space, without a doubt.
45. Word association
What is the first word that comes to mind when you see the word:
Air: Earth
Meat: Chicken
Different: Strokes
Pink: Blog
Deserve: Chance
White: Pure
Elvis: King
Magic: Harry Potter
Heart: Yours
Clash: Titans
Pulp: Fiction
46. If you could meet any person in the world who is dead who would you want it to be?
Jack fucking Kerouac
47. What if you could meet anyone who is alive?
Don't judge me. Please don't judge me. Harry Styles.
48. Is there a movie that you love so much you could watch it everyday?
Empire Records!
49. You are going to be stuck alone in an elevator for a week. What do you bring to do?
My laptop, my phone, a charger. Food and water might be good too. Whoops.
50. Have you ever saved someone's life or had your life saved?
I think the answer could be yes, but it's not something I want to talk about here.
51. Make up a definition for the following silly words...
Fruitgoogle: A fruit guide by google?
Ambytime: Sleeping time
Asscactus: Should not be mixed
52. What was the last thing you made with your own hands?
Does poetry count? Or I made a graphic for my rp.
53. What was your favorite toy as a child?
Matchbox cars were my absolute favourite.
54. How many TV’s are in your house?
Oh god. Uhm, four I think? Maybe five? I live with numerous people so it's hard to answer this.
55. What is your favorite thing to do outside?
56. How do you feel when you see a rainbow?
57. Have you ever dreamt a dream that came true?
I actually have. When I was younger this happened a lot. I sound crazy but yep.
58. Have you ever been to a psychic/tarot reader?
I used to read tarot cards myself.
59. What is your idea of paradise?
60. Do you believe in god and if so what is he/she/it like?
Sort of? I don't know? I don't believe in a Christian God but I believe the presence of the world itself is to be celebrated and is a spiritual thing. My thoughts on this are hard to put into words.
61. Do you believe in Hell?
62. What one thing have you done that most people haven't?
Hitchhiked. Taken someone's photos for a porn spread. Made out with an entire conference of people in a night. I have some weird stories. Ask me.
63. What is the kindest thing you have ever done?
I volunteered in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.
64. Are you a patient person?
I try to be. I'm working on it.
65. What holiday should exist but doesn't?
I think there should be a day to celebrate our chosen family, not just our family by blood.
66. What holiday shouldn't exist but does?
I'm not sure on this. I enjoy most holidays, even the ones I know began out of tragedy.
67. What's the best joke you ever heard?
Some of the really stupid jokes on Wow.
68. Where is the most fun place you have EVER been?
New Orleans.
69. Is your hair natural or dyed?
Natural but I love dying. I've had every colour in the rainbow.
70. Do you have any deep dark secrets or are you pretty much up front?
I am mostly up front. That said, there are a few things from my past that I don't exactly toss out there for everyone to know. They're not really secrets though.
71. What is under your bed right now?
A couple pairs of socks probably.
72. If you were in the Land of Oz would you want to live there or go home?
I'd want to go home.
73. If you drive do you frequently speed?
Yeah so about that, I don't really drive.
74. What is the world's best song to dance to?
You got me on this one, I rarely dance.
75. What song was on the last time you danced with someone?
I honestly have no idea at all.
76. Do you prefer Disney or Warner Brothers?
Disney I guess.
77. What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo?
78. Would you consider yourself to be romantic?
I am romantic to a fault, honestly. I'm that dumbass writing poetry and packing us picnics and leaving notes and trying to make sure every day my partner has is the best one possible.
79. If the earth stopped rotating would we all fly off?
I huh - I'm not sure.
80. What is the one thing that you love to do so much that you would make sacrifices to be able to do it?
Writing. But in order to write you have to live so it doesn't much matter.
81. If you (and everyone) had to lose one right or freedom, but you could pick which one everyone had to lose, what would you pick?
Nope. I have no rights as it is, in my state as a transgender person. I wouldn't do this.
82. If you had to choose would you live on the equator or at the North Pole?
The North pole
83. Would you rather give up listening to music or watching television?
I'd give up music first.
84. What do you think makes someone a hero?
Sacrifice. Putting the good of someone else first.
85. What cartoon would you like to be a character in?
86. Name one thing that turns your stomach:
Spit grosses me out. Like not drool, that can't be helped and can sort of be cute but otherwise, please don't.
87. What was the last thing you paid for?
I paid for groceries yesterday.
88. Are you a coupon clipper?
Nope, although I should be.
89. Get anything good in the mail recently?
Nah, last thing I got was a new voter's registration card.
90. Which would you rather take as a gym class...dancing, sailing, karate, or bowling?
Sailing or karate.
91. In Star Trek people 'beam' back and forth between different places. What this means is they stand in a little tube and their molecules are deconstructed and sent to another tube somewhere else where they are reassembled. Only problem is when the molecules are deconstructed the person is dead. When they are put back together it is only a clone that has all the dead person's memories. So...
Is the person who gets beamed the same person on both ends?
92. What insects are you afraid of?
Spiders. I really don't like bugs at all but I will be the manly saviour when required.
93. If you could print any phrase on a T-shirt, what would it say?
"Trans guys do it better"
94. What's the most eccentric thing you have ever worn?
Uhm lately, my wardrobe is pretty normal. I had a bellbottoms stage in high school though.
95. If you could pick one food that you could eat all you wanted but it would have no effect on how much you weigh, what food would it be?
Tacos. Definitely tacos.
96. What are your parents interested in?
My father was interested in being a racist jackass the last time I checked. My mom loves cats and jewelry making.
97. Have you ever caught an insect and kept it as a pet?
Have you ever caught and tamed a wild animal?
98. What is more helpful to you, wishes or plans?
Plans, I am a planner.
99. When do you feel your life energy the strongest?
Early morning, around 4-6.
100. You are spending the night alone in the woods and may bring only 3 items with you. What do you bring?
Shelter, food, water. If those count as one, add a lantern.