In The News...
1. Here's a new addition of the 'Top Ten Conservative Idiots'... Some highlights: " 1. The Media: Last week it was revealed that the hunt for WMD in Iraq had finally, officially been called off. At the same time, CBS fired four staff members for the pre-election phony memo incident. So let me get this straight... the Bush administration along with their media lapdog accomplices flat-out lied to the American people about Iraq's WMD capability and used their lies to get us into a war which has killed thousands upon thousands of people, drained the nation's coffers, grievously damaged our standing in the world, and increased the threat of global terrorism. "
2. 'The War On Liberalism'... Very powerful, and true. I haven't ever seen a "Liberal" show on a news network.
In Other News...
In a few weeks I'm getting this: It's quite breathtaking.
This will be my first Apple and I'm excited. I'm so utterly bored with PCs, I need a change.