Mar 11, 2010 14:22
This is a big deal! Sun! Actual sunshine!!!! Oh it makes me so happy!
Also because this day is just made of win I didn't go to my 8am class because frankly i couldn't wake up and felt really sick this morning, (so weird, my body makes no sense).
On the brighter side of today I have only one class, my work got cancelled, my latest class was cancelled and I have my favorite class at 12:30. Then I go to walmart to pick up some things. O! and i have to study for my bio exam tonight. But in general it's pretty awesomesauce.
SO I'm goin to career services today sometime before/after my one class. I want to speak with a career counselor and maybe have some suggestions made about what I can do with myself.
I'm pretty happy today, so i'm gonna go start doing something productive haha :D