Dec 13, 2010 18:19
last night at the foothill
presbyterian i could have
sworn i saw you pale-faced
with eyes meant for crying
no no no nothing should
be this way there is no
bravery when it comes to
the way the heart ticks
it ticks just like a clock
and can stop working if
shaken too hard it can
run out of time, stop
turning, stop beating, stop
marking down the hours
of feeling. i waited for it
to pass like someone waits
for an arctic chill to
lose substance waited for
everything around me to
get colder everything
was white i could have
sworn i saw you surrounded
by people who loved you
and i was there too
standing just two feet behind
envious at how easy my
heart could stop beating
at the sight of you
(and not even you, but a trick
of light and feeling that
makes everything around me you)
it can keep beating
it can keep beating
if i am careful
personal poetics