Jun 22, 2005 22:26
soo jossy chickend out.. but he's comming out next weekend along with john for nayrett since she's here with me for 2 weeks :-D we are having a BLAST hanging out heehh... and mi tia rosa was here on sat and sun they were looking at houses!! yay they are defenetly moving to chandler so yay nayrett is going to my skool no matter what!! hehe i can't wait my aunt is soooo KOOL she was like yeah no matter wat nayrett is going to your skool... so yay!! my little sister!! so i'm excited.. and i'm sooo excited to see john nezt week! ":-p lol nayrett is tooo scared to go downstairs by her self so i must go with her later!
nayrett says: what can i say?