
Sep 20, 2008 12:25

Dilan usually isn't the last one in the labs, but Xenahort managed to blow something in his workstation and he's got the choice of staying late to fix it, or having to come in again in the morning instead ( Read more... )


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cloakitwithplot September 21 2008, 11:44:31 UTC
There is the click and hum of the lights in another part of the lab coming on, and Ienzo actually gets halfway to his own workstation before he realizes the place is far too well-lit for the amount of lights that HE'S turned on. And that he's not the only on in the room.

He makes his way over to Dilan curiously, bags under his eyes as dark as ever (sleep since the last time he left the lab? That's for the weak!) and he's got a bag of bagels and a few mini containers of spreadable toppings for them in one hand.

... He holds out the bag helpfully to Dilan.


sliceitwithwind September 21 2008, 17:54:57 UTC
Dilan pulls out of the computer long enough to take stock of who is out there, then says very clearly, "I am going to turn him into cat food, feed him to my cat, and then feed my cat a Potion so that she doesn't get stupid from the amount of stupid that Xehanort has stored in his every cell.

"Run out again and get my usual from the chicken place." That is not exactly a request, although he's trying to make it so. "I am going to put gigahertz of goat pornography on his hard drive and hard wire it onto his background."


cloakitwithplot September 21 2008, 23:54:25 UTC

"'Kay." Ienzo figures a Dilan in this state is simply a Dilan that isn't worth arguing with. So he sets the bag down nearby (but not TOO near sensitive equipment) in case he wants to snack on it before turning on his heels to go fetch what Dilan asked for.


sliceitwithwind September 22 2008, 00:05:52 UTC
Later Dilan will apologize. Right now he digs into the bag without even looking, stuffs a bagel in his mouth in a manner that will allow him to eat it without hands (he's got a dexterous tongue, okay?) and dives back into the computer.

He's probably still cussing, but the bagel cuts most of the sense out of it.

When Ienzo gets back Dilan is still under there, but about a quarter of the spread mess is back in the computer. "How did he manage to get half the wires burned through? Don't answer. I'll get the answer out of him with fire ants. And honey."


cloakitwithplot September 22 2008, 00:41:23 UTC
Ienzo got something a bit more substantial than bagels for himself as well, returning in short order with an entirely new bag of food.

"...Anyone who ever said anything was 'fool-proof' was discounting the complete ingenuity of fools?" Ienzo asks, setting the bag down on one of the clear tables frequently used for mealtimes in the lab anyway.


sliceitwithwind September 22 2008, 00:44:09 UTC
Dilan pulls out of the computer and detours past his desk long enough to grab a bag of munny and toss it to Ienzo that the boy can repay himself for the food.

"Or of Xehanort, anyway." he agrees with a half-snarl. "I might as well have gone home, I'm going to be here all day tomorrow anyway."


cloakitwithplot September 22 2008, 00:56:35 UTC
"Same thing." Ienzo muttered in regards to the first comment, digging out a small box of chicken strips to much on after sorting out what Dilan's food cost and taking that from the bag.

"Yeah, and now you can't give me shit for staying late anymore"


sliceitwithwind September 22 2008, 00:58:38 UTC
Dilan's teeth are small, and straight, and very sharp looking, "I'm not here day in and out. I'm only here this late when one of you breaks the damn computers." he points out tightly, "They're already so damn old and rickety and I think that the moron was using his to run games or something and they can't take that along with the overnight load of compiling data."


cloakitwithplot September 22 2008, 01:11:43 UTC
Ienzo had to wonder what games he was capable of playing. He didn't think the man would be able to win minesweeper or solitaire on easy.

"You could always install a block on them for games. And while I might be here day in and day out - isn't Braig waiting for you at home or something?" Ienzo was utterly clueless about inter-personal relationships as far as actual experience went. But that's how those things usually went, right?


sliceitwithwind September 22 2008, 01:14:51 UTC
"I could. I can. I will." Dilan agrees, "I just never thought I'd have to."

His expression does not get less pissed off, "He is. And I want my nice warm bed with my nice, warm Braig in it. But I can't do that because we need all the computers up and running."


cloakitwithplot September 22 2008, 01:19:03 UTC
Ienzo nods a bit, thoughtfully chewing on the strips of meat. Oh, hey, dipping sauce. This is fancy.

"If you show me what you were working on I can help. Might get it done faster."


sliceitwithwind September 22 2008, 01:21:26 UTC
Dilan spends too much time eating to bother with bad food. "You can design the protocols for the firewall." he says after he's eaten enough of his chicken that he's not likely to bite Ienzo for the protein offered by skinny teenager. "The hardware stuff can only fit one set of hands, and mine are way too big to get anything else in there with them."


cloakitwithplot September 22 2008, 01:29:34 UTC
"Sounds good, anything fancy you need it to do?" Ienzo asks, pleased that he will no longer be made a meal of. And hey, coding is good warm-ups for the work he was intending to do anyway.


sliceitwithwind September 22 2008, 01:34:42 UTC
There is a moment where Dilan contemplates requesting a program that will call Xehanort a moron if he tries to talk it into doing something Dilan wouldn't like.

Then he says, "Block all non-work related uses of memory. Give me a master override, and individual ones for the rest of you except the moron. Cache everything and have a daily dump into my system. I'll bring one of my backup drives from home to hold the data."


cloakitwithplot September 22 2008, 01:47:18 UTC
Hey, Ienzo might do it anyway. He's a surly teenager full of rage against the world or something like that.

He takes out a pen to make notes on scrap paper, the neat almost code-like shorthand he makes all his notes in. "Block, override, moron, cache, Dilan's system..." he mutters aloud while he makes his notes. "Got it, I'll start the programming once I'm done eating." which shouldn't take too long, he does eat pretty fast.


sliceitwithwind September 22 2008, 01:51:08 UTC
"Remote to my system." Dilan adds abruptly, finishing off the first portion of the meal, "My home system - you still have the code I gave you, right?" It's one of the perks he offered Ienzo after the boy helped him with one of the metaphysics classes he took to try to keep up with the rest of them.

He could have asked Braig, but at the time Braig was involved in some serious experimentation and Ienzo was easier to drag out of things.

"I want to be able to monitor things when I get sick."


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