
Sep 19, 2008 16:11

Home. Blink. Halloween Town (screaming). Blink. Agrabah (convulsing). Blink. Atlantica ( Read more... )

teleportation, xaldin, xigbar

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thinkitwithguns September 19 2008, 23:16:46 UTC



Where the hell is Demyx when you need him?!

Good thing Xigbar has an Elixir, and is more than willing to pry Xaldin's mouth open, and pour the medicine down.


sliceitwithwind September 19 2008, 23:21:05 UTC
The streaming slows to a stop, but Xaldin is still motionless against Xigbar while his very being adjusts to the world and the offences committed against it.

When he finally manages to make a noise it is a faint keen of pure agony.


thinkitwithguns September 19 2008, 23:22:36 UTC
"Never. A-fucking-gain dude."

This is all Xigbar says.


sliceitwithwind September 19 2008, 23:24:25 UTC
Xaldin nods, very gingerly, and makes the same noise.

Actually avoiding all things Atlantica related seems like a good idea right now, but he can't exactly say that until whatever passes for lungs and vocal cords start cooperating again.


thinkitwithguns September 19 2008, 23:27:04 UTC
Xigbar waits. There's only so much he can do, after all, and it's not like he's going anywhere just now.


sliceitwithwind September 19 2008, 23:27:56 UTC
"Hurts." he manages after a time. He doesn't know how much time. "Shore. Dryside."


thinkitwithguns September 19 2008, 23:28:59 UTC
"Which way?"


sliceitwithwind September 19 2008, 23:30:11 UTC
"Don't know." he needs the air. He needs it, in a way he never dreamed he'd need.

Is this what it's like for the others when they're out of their elements?


thinkitwithguns September 19 2008, 23:32:00 UTC
It strikes him that teleportation would be bad right now. So instead he hauls Xaldin bodily to the surface, as fast as he can.


sliceitwithwind September 19 2008, 23:34:33 UTC
As soon as his head breaks the surface Xaldin starts to look better, and it only takes one powerful stroke to send him out of the water and fully into the air.

He takes on flying fish shape in the water for a reason.

When the last trailing bit of tail clears the water he goes back to his normal form, and then just hangs there and breathes.

"Never again."


thinkitwithguns September 19 2008, 23:36:32 UTC
Once Xaldin's out, Xigbar teleports himself the rest of the way.

"This was one of the dumbest things we've ever done."


sliceitwithwind September 19 2008, 23:37:53 UTC
"Yes." Xaldin agrees, still taking deep breaths as though he had lungs and was recovering from nearly drowning.

It's mostly psychosomatic at this point. "It was. Never again."


thinkitwithguns September 19 2008, 23:40:09 UTC
"Lemme know when you're ready to get out of here and we'll take the long way," Xigbar says.


sliceitwithwind September 19 2008, 23:42:00 UTC
"Long way sounds good." Xaldin says, "We can start back now. I want out of here."

It'll be a while before he stops vibrating to the remembered pain.


thinkitwithguns September 19 2008, 23:42:57 UTC
"Milliways, home, or somewhere else?"


sliceitwithwind September 19 2008, 23:44:27 UTC
"Home." Xaldin says quietly, "It's the safest place we've got right now and I want to be sure I'm recovered before we go anywhere else."

Milliways isn't safe.

The king is there.


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