Feb 12, 2008 15:28
Tuesdays and Thursdays are reserved for K's recreation program, which only lasts for 3 hours, but is his biggest opportunity during the week to let himself loose towards kids his own age.
This family is strictly human powered, and we walk to where we need to go at every chance we get, unless of course theres an impossibility and are forced to take public transit (you'll need to know take my word for it, as well, that Portland is OUTSTANDING when it comes to public transportation). As for owning a car, we probably never will, although I don't think I'll get into the 'why not?' aspect of this subject, because it really has not too much on the point I'm trying to create here.
Every Tuesday and Thursday we walk the 1.5 - 2 miles uphill to the Community Center where his recreation program takes place, then I travel the same road back home (happily, downhill) to wait until it's time once again to pick up K at the Community Center (rejoice, back uphill), then on my way home again with him to prepare for dinner. By this time, I've gotten a killer workout by the hills alone.
At this point, I'm debating whether to just hang out in a coffee shop near Hillside Community Center while I wait for the 3 hours, instead of coming all the way home.
**This has been brought to you once again as a random post by your SliceInCircles**