I don't understand this.
I started watching a show on
Joost about a year ago, which was just a few episodes of the, what seems to be, very short lived series called
World's Apart. Now... I'm not much a fan of reality television, but what I had seen of this series was awesome. Each episode was about a different American family that got to spend a week with a family from another country. Although stating the concept in that manner probably makes it sound quite dull and boring, I certainly don't think the series is/was that at all. A live visual and narrated comparison of cultures is both interesting and in many ways, quite humorous.
So what is it that I don't understand? There is such little information about this show on the interwebs! Nothing on Wikipedia. No hits on dedicated pages except for the main page on National Geographic. What was so wrong with this show that it had to be cancelled so quickly, and has no public following? Where are the reality tv nutcases when I need them to find me the rest of these episodes for me to enjoy?