(no subject)

Oct 30, 2007 22:44

Everything seems to be going a-ok for me right now. Schoolwork is doing a little better. Let me tell you about some of my classes...or all of them. All three of them.

College Reading and Writing- My teacher is cool. I really like her. She digs my writing. She keeps telling me that I'm a fantastic writer. I'll agree with her a little bit. She's waved the idea that maybe I'm a perfectionist when it comes to writing, even if it's free writing, I feel that everything has to be worded properly. My class...uh, the first thing that comes to mind is "retardedly liberal" (in class-wide discussions). I guess Vermont has that kind of effect on people. That's just the first thing that comes to my mind, though. The kids are generally nice. I don't really know anyone, but there is this girl in there who I think MIGHT be taking a liking to me. Maybe not, but whatevs. It's cool either way.

Perspectives In Learning- I learn about the brain, how it works, and all kinds of wacky-ass shit. Pretty interesting, kinda' boring, sorta' difficult. My teacher is yet another cool pea-in-a-pod. She's hip, she knows what's up.

Intro to Communications- Possibly the easiest class I've ever taken in my life. The teacher is an absolute sweetheart. I've gone to see her in her office for help before and we just end up talking about music. It's great. I was supposed to make a big poster last week for a fair. I was to choose any topic I wanted and relate it to communication. All I did was print out the most intense pictures of hardcore shows from NJ, NYC, and Philly that I could find and pasted them on the poster board in some sort of collage. It looked nice. It was the only poster anyone made that didn't have any text on it. My teacher really dug it and so did other students. On Wednesday I give a presentation on my experiences from being in Wolf It Out. That should be interesting and hopefully beneficial, because 5 kids in my class are from NJ. One guy did his poster and presentation on heart disease and another did his on Iron Maiden. How either of those relate to communication, I don't really know.
The only class I'm getting an A in. The other two I'm failing, but will bring them back up in a heartbeat.

On Friday I attended the GSA drag ball. I looked good, I'll tell ya'. Got my dress, pearls, heels, stupid fucking makeup. I was hot. The ball itself was a fucking train wreck, for many reasons. But damn, son.
I am a member of the GSA along with some pals.  I've become head of the Minor Events Committee. Since I've been here, I've made friends with 3 or 4 lesbians. It's pretty sweet.

Saturday night I went to see Balzac. They ruled, but I felt like was the only one there who knew who they were. It was at The Palladium, which is fucking huge, so it was a wee bit awkward. The Misfits were kinda' fun. I freaked when they played stuff off of American Psycho and Famous Monsters. I think it's time that they either call it in, find a new vocalist, or reunite with Danzig and Doyle already.

Speaking of Danzig. He was supposed to play The Palladium a few nights ago, but had to cancel because he fell of the stage in Baltimore the night before, so I got lucky, because I wasn't able to go to that show, but hopefully he reschedules it. He's been doing a Misfits set with Doyle every night on that tour and I'd be stoked if he did all that shit again. Blah bloo blah. Nice.
On the way home a wolf/coyote ran in front of the car.

I got my ears pierced yesterday. Biggest mistake of my life not really. Didn't hurt. Doesn't hurt now. I got studs. I'll be able to switch 'em out for hoops in a few weeks, I'm told. I told my mom and she freaked. It was so weird. She told me that I should have saved piercing them so that I could reward myself later on when I did something well. Weirdo.

Mark got back to me last Monday, saying that the New England tour has been fucked. The guy they had booking the whole thing ditched them. That guy deserves to have his scrotum stretched off. Yep. Stretched off.
He said that they'd still be down to come up here. So I tried talking to this lady, Emily North, who is in charge of the student-run committee, CAB (Campus Activity Board).
I emailed her saying that I wanted to book this band from NJ. She said that I'd have to fill out an "event proposal form". She sent me the document, there was a major error when I opened it that made it look like squares and unrecognizable symbols, she said she'd fill it out herself.
She said that, if approved, it would have to be put off until next semester, because this one's schedule is full up and the CAB people are already putting in 10 hours a week in preparing and planning for the upcoming event this semester. I don't know what she's thinking. I've got the band's word that they'd come up here. I've got it all mapped out; the time, location, day, etc. Fuck. She must think that we're going to need to rent out a full stage and lights. Everything is practically done, I just need the approval from someone to let this thing happen.
Also, just by the emails she's sent me, I feel like she's kind of full of herself and that she was trying to just take my idea of having DD come up away from me, in the sense that I'd just be left out of the whole thing and CAB would do fuck butt to it. Ugh.
I talked to several people and they told me that this lady is a douche and that CAB is more or less a clique. Fuck 'em.
I plan on talking to several people on campus tomorrow who I think will be able to help me a great deal with getting this thing to actually happen.
I went into Brattleboro yesterday and went to this punk DIY squat-ish art place called The Tinderbox. It's pretty nifty. Everything's been painted and looks like it's always being redecorated with murals and whatnot. They've got a 1/4 pipe in there. Pretty cool. Not too dingy. Defiance Ohio played there a few weeks ago and Witch is playing there this Saturday. Anyway, I go in there today and I find this guy sitting on the floor in this big main room probably working on some art. I asked him if there was anyone I could speak to about setting up a show. He said he could do it. I told him that I wanted to get DD up here. I showed him 1/3 of Smoke & Mirrors and he thought it was "sick". We picked out a date and now I've got myself a show.
It was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever done. This place is an awesome show space and it'll cost only 50-60 to rent out for a night. Why can't NJ have this kind of shit?!
I'm in charge of finding the bands and promoting the show. Chances are admission will be $3. I'm going to look for a headliner. I'm thinking either Witch or Doomriders. I'll check both out to see how much they'll cost. I think Witch would go over a bit better, them being stoner and not hardcore/rock 'n roll.
I really admire what The Tinderbox and its staff are doing. It's run all on a volunteer basis and it feels very welcoming.

It's getting to be in the 20's/30's at night now.

My roommate and his pals decided it would be it would be a good idea to redecorate the room last week. So now a good portion of the empty wall space is occupied by $50 worth of porn. It's mostly on his side of the room and covering all of the door and the wall surrounding the door. My side has one picture of one of them chick-dudes suckin' off a guy and giving another a hanj. There's also one on the ceiling above my bed where my head rests that has yet another chick-dude getting analed while giving some other guy a beej.
I really don't feel anything when I look at any of the porn. I mean, I see that some of the chicks are cute, but I just don't get anything out of it. I haven't been desensitized by any means. It's just not my type.

Witchcraft and Om are playing at some house in Brattleboro in two weeks, probably in a basement. I guess I'll go.

Today I tested out some Halloween makeup on a friend. I tried to make him look like a zombie. I overdid it on the face paint, but the fake scar/gash and peeling skin came out looking killer. I've never done this stuff before and I was impressed. Tonight I made fake blood using the basics: corn syrup and red food coloring.

I entered an Iron Chef type of event here at school.  Did a small photo shoot yesterday for it. Should be fun.

Since I've been up here, I've made friends with all types of people that I would never have imagined. I've befriended several bro types. They're cool. Some of us go work out together a couple nights a week and do other athletic activities.

My school's library has a bunch of graphic novels. Many volumes of Transmetropolitan, Sin City, and Preacher, among others.
There's also I comic book store in Keene, NH which is not too far away. Niiiice.

The WM3 will hopefully be released within the next year. Damien's legal defense team is holding a press conference on Thursday morning at 11:00 am and it's going to be streaming live online through www.wm3.org. Check it.

Will Smith and his wife are creating a series for FX that's based on a straight-edge crew from Ohio......Oh god.

I'm thinking of visiting New Jerz next weekend. Just gotta' find a ride to and from.
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