(no subject)

Mar 29, 2007 13:58

okay, admittedly, i am a) against organized religion, and b) do not think the "church of the flying spaghetti monster" is at all a real religion, and if anything, could be classified as something of a cult. If my memory serves me right, it started in Georgia to protest the fact that they were teaching evolution and creationism side-by-side. from there, it became something of an internet phenomenon, and i don't know any true "Pastafarians" at all. the religion has no realistic basis, even less than the hard-enough-to-believe myths behind modern christianity, but regardless of all that...

... when your rights are violated, your rights are violated, NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE. that's what makes this country stand out (supposedly)

check it: http://www.citizen-times.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=200770328123

Yar, Matees.

(if you haven't discovered Fark.com, you should. i live off of its news feeds at work.)
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