(no subject)

Jul 13, 2005 19:33

1. Full Name: Samantha hayes call me sam
2. Birth date: May 5.1990
3. Western Astrological Sign: turus.
4. Chinese Astrological Sign: umm and chicken.
5. Birthplace: ceritos ,ca
6. Mother's Full Name: lisa hayes
7. Father's Full Name: frank hayes
8. Siblings: my sister sabrina and my best friend katie
9. Best Friend(s): monica,zee,katie,lauren,dick,grace,johnney
10. Acquaintances/Other Friends:brittney,la,shae,tim,jen,nicole,jamie,luis,"hot"luis,crox,elizabeth,richard,asjah,emma,,ruth,karla, karla felix,daymeon ect.
11. Loudest Friend: Shae/Britt
12. Quietest Friend: Zee
13. Weirdest Friend: they are almost all weird.
14. Friend You Know the Best: kaite and monica
15. Friend You Know the Least: tim
16. Most Dramatic Friend: jophnney
17. Most Nerdy Friend: johnney
18. Most Athletic Friend: cass.
19. Most Practical Friend: ummm yea.,.. i dont know
20. Friend Most Likely to Commit Murder:brittney and shae
21. Friend Most Likely to Commit Arson: brittney and shae
22. Friend You Spend the Most Time With: britney shae,lauren,monica,kaite,zee
23. Friend You Turn to For Advice: zee and lauren.
24. Friend You Turn to For Money: haha like they woudl give me any
25. Friend Who Acts Most Like You: kaite
26. Friend Who Acts Least Like You: jen

Love Life
27. Do you have a crush? yes
28. If so, who? tons of diffrent guys but mostly tim and david from simpel plan.
29. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no
31. How long have you had a crush on this person? long time
32. Do they know you like them? no
33. Do they like you? that would be so kool
34. If "yes" or "I don't know," would you ever ask them out? no

41. Food: Yummie food
42. Non-Alcoholic Drink: sierra mist
43. Alcoholic Drink: i havent tasted anything but watermelon shooters and they were gross!
44. Candy: somethign gooy
45. Color: black,dark purple,lime green
46. Ice Cream: chocolette
47. Fruit: grapes
48. Cheese: yellow
49. Band/Singer: i wont even start the list
50. Movie: i dont have a favorite
51. Book: some harry potter book
52. Game: DDR
53. Animal: i love animals
54. Place: My Living room when no one is home\
55. Scent: colonge
56. Texture: huh?.
57. Mode of Transportation: i like to walk
58. Flower: Dark Roses
59. Thing to do to De-stress: Listen to music up really high
60. Number: 13 becues it speaks for itself61. Season: summerr
62. Time of day: when it bairly gets dark
63. Day of the Week: saturday
64. Month of the Year: descember
65. Actor: dont have one.
66. Actress: same as last answer
67. Boy's name: austen and wyatt
68. Girl's name: amanda
69. Sexual position: lol its oon the number 69 thast funny

70. Chocolate/Vanilla: choco
71. Coke/Pepsi: pepsi
72. Noisy/Silent: silent
73. Alone/In a Crowd: alone
74. Coffee/Hot Chocolate: hot choco
75. Light/Dark: dark.
76. Night/Day: night
77. Casual/Formal: casual
78. Ground/Sky: sky.
79. (Friends) Guys/Girls: girls
80. (Dating) Guys/Girls: guys
81. Faith/Science: science
82. English/Math: English
83. Fire/Water: fire
84. Single/Dating: dating
85. Gold/Silver: silver.
86. Flexible/Stable: flexable.
87. Hot/Cold: cold
88. Technology/Nature: technology

Random Stuff
89. What's the color of the walls in your room? white.
90. What's your religion/belief system? i dont have one
91. Are you afraid of heights? yes.
92. Have you ever performed on stage? yes.
93. Do you sing or play an instrument? yes.
94. Do you care what others think of you? no.
95. Are you a pessimist or an optimist? i dont know
96. Do you get along with your family?sometimes
97. If you were a playing card, which would you be? a ace
98. When talking to someone, what phrase is most likely to fall out of your mouth? dooshbag
99. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? HUH?
100. Have you ever done drugs? no.
101. What is your natural hair color? brown.
102. Do you write in pencil or in pen, and in cursive or in print? pen print.
103. What is your first language? english.
104. (For guys) Boxers or briefs?
105. (For chicks) Panties or thongs? panties.. weird question...
106. What is the name of your first pet? super chicken
107. What is your worst fear? big foot
108. When wearing shoes, do you prefer to wear socks? yea i do my socks rock
109. What movie could you most easily cast yourself and your friends in? lol not another teen movie.
110. What roles would you and they play? i dont knwo it would just be funny

111. Eating: Chicken Tacos
112. Drinking: orange juice
113. Listening to: Malcome in the middle on tv baby yes
114. Wearing: a harley davidson shirt and some torn up pants
115. Thinking: damn its hot
116. Wishing: someone would call me
117. Feeling: angery
118. Afraid of: burning to death
119. Craving: friendship
120. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? kaite
121. What was the last positive thing you said?yay!
122. What was the last negative thing you said? dAMN ITS HOT IN HERE

123. Where are you? the kitchen,tnhats why its hot.
124. What time is it? 7:30 pm

125. What was your first word? HI
126. Who was your first kiss? somenone
127. If you could go back in time and change one thing in your life, what would it be? when i met the friends i met they cause me to much greef
128. What is your happiest childhood memory? getting my dog
129. What is your most embarrassing memory? hahaha dont get me started on this one

130. Are you going to go to college? yea hopefully.
131. If so, where? somewhere
132. Where do you see yourself living in ten years? At my own house
133. What do you plan to do for a living? interior designer and decorator
134. Who do you think you will be married to? hopefully david form simpel plan
135. How many kids do you plan on having? none

Finish this Sentence
136. I will never... dance around naked with the blinds open
137. I like being... alone in the cold.
138. I do not like being... around people i dont know?
139. I want to go... to someones house.
140. I want to write... a book about my life.
141. I want to draw... a cow.
142. It annoys me when... shae pulls my hair.
143. I am most likely to eat donuts when...someone buys me some
144. I am least likely to eat donuts when… no one buys me crap.
145. If I were to flying-tackle someone, it would be.. a hot guy
146. I would blow up the earth if...it scorned me 1 more time
147. A nice hot cup of tea sounds best when...im sick.
148. I need my teddy bear most when...i cry
149. The one phone call I want to get is...some hot guy asking me to meet him somewhere.

The Ultimate Question
150. If 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything, then what is the question? Why would we care to excist.. the world is out to get me anyway
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