the one where I realize Arthur C. Clarke and Jung could both play a part

Jan 15, 2010 21:11

Fringe 2.12 Johari Window

I forgot to mention in the Unearthed recap how deliriously happy the alternaverse makes me: Peter without that fugly leather monstrosity referred to as a “jacket,” Chuck alive and kicking ass both google-wise and actual ass kicking wise, and Astrid getting to do more than serve as exposition bunny. Return to the AU! And feel free to have an ep where we learn how alternaverse Scar!Chuck got that hot, hot scar. But that may just be me.

This recap is brought to you by my newly rekindled hatred of Jay Leno. Suck it, Jay. I’m with CoCo!

Yay! No “last week on Fridge” silliness!

I like the promotion of hands free calling while driving. Nice PSA.

Teddy *seems* normal enough, which of course sets off all kinds of bells and whistles in my head.

I like how friendly and trying to seem controlled the main copper was.  Treating Teddy like a regular kid, aside from the face.

Aw, Teddy apologized because he felt bad about nice cop getting a shotgun blast to the face. That’s kind of sad now that I type it out.

I liked that Walter had some fallout from his getting lost during his independent phase. Nice carryover, realistic, and puts a point on the fact that Unearthed did not happen in this universe.

Uh oh. Peter just promised Walter wouldn’t get kidnapped again. $10 that exact thing happens within 3 eps-any takers?

I like Peter’s transition to being more patient and quietly frustrated with Walter, rather than the season 1 screaming. It’s a logical transition, and Josh Jackson and the writers are doing a nice job showing that off.

To echo lo_duclavier --PEACOAT!

Father-son bonding with banjos!

Hey, who’s *this* FBI guy? Srsly, I never thought I would say this, but I am starting to worry about Boobs.

The emphasis on the YET during the whole flying monkey, yeti conversation-awesome!

Am I the only person in this universe who doesn’t watch, doesn’t care about, and can’t stand American Idol? OK, I was just checking.

That hum is somehow involved in this. Does the humming stop them from changing or does it make them look normal or does it help people not see the deformities?

OMG, that song is CRAZY! I love totally out there Walter crazy!

I’m sorry, but the guy playing the Sheriff will always and forever be Secret Service Director Ron Butterfield (from The West Wing). Forever!

Non-deformed Teddy kind of looks like non-deformed Teddy’s dad. Teddy’s mom, however, looks like a poor lady’s Lorelei Gilmore.

So we are confirming that this universe’s Peter (or at least the one currently living in this universe) shares a love of conspiracy theories with Unearthed’s AlternaPeter. Thanks for that. But Peter’s not really a conspiracy nut. That’s those people from the movie Bug.

Aw, it’s like mom and dad in the front of the car talking about junior who’s asleep in the back. Expect it’s Liv and Peter talking about Walter! I did like the chat Liv and Peter had about working in Fringe Division.

Ever since my big car accident going on 6 years ago, I have a profound fear and hatred of well staged TV car accidents. Terrible. This one was good, but didn’t make me have to take a break and “walk it off.”

I liked Peter having to struggle to get Liv’s gun. He’s gonna get one by the end of this season, too many close calls, too many drop in comments, too much Peter wanting a gun.

“Are we there yet, Peter?” Hee!

Walter collecting a butterfly for Astrid, priceless.

Peter STOP STICKING YOUR FINGERS IN EVIDENCE! Srsly, if we ever need a “save Fringe” campaign I respectfully suggest that we send boxes of latex gloves. Dear lord, why doesn’t someone yell at him about this?

I liked Walter standing up for Peter-clarifying he shot “a beast, not a man.” Which presupposes the beasts are not man-like at all.  And Liv, trying to talk Peter down from feeling bad was sweet. But do we not know if Peter’s killed before? I’m guessing this conversation was to confirm that.

“You’re good, just follow the mooing.” Hee.

That is one hell of a redacted file, Liv got on the fax! The thing is all blacked out!

AWESOME! The pretty butterfly is now a mangey deformed moth! And so goes the dead guy!

Peter looks a little girly in that purple plastic apron. But I’ll take that apron over the dreaded leather “coat” any day. I’m very hopeful that the coat is GONE. No bets on that, however.

Ha! I like that Walter invented his own mnemonic with the experiment’s name built in! Walter and Astrid go to the library! Liv and Peter are searching records! It’s like a dream episode for me, I’m such a geek.

I’m glad Astrid took away those Devil Dogs, “we can get you a fresh one.” She’s the bomb!

Talk about a small town you can’t leave! I’m glad that Peter caught that. But then they fall for the whole, “Hey, let’s go all the way across town, in the dark, for a random lead that just came up.” Interesting juxtaposition.

Astrid and Walter road tripping in the Vista Cruiser! Yay! I loved how Walter demonstrated with the butterfly that it’s everyone’s eyes that are changed by the hum so the deformities aren’t visible! That was cool, and that butterfly was very pretty.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Great line, Arthur C. Clarke. And now we are to believe Walter was pals with him?! The other two “laws” are: 1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong. 2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Very nice, JJ and crew. Because that first one IS Walter, and that second one is Fringe.

I liked that Walter explained how photos would show the truth of their appearance since they can’t be affected by the hum.

Who else thinks Astrid would have been the most awesome babysitter? I didn’t have a lot of babysitters, what with a brother who was 6 years older than me, but I did my fair share of babysitting. And Astrid seems like she would have kicked my ass at it.

Are we up to like the 12th time so far this season that Peter could have been more helpful with a gun…again.

Maybe I work with too many people who have various deformities and medical problems and disabilities-but I didn’t find the deformed people all that scary. Aside from the shooting at, running down, and crashing into Peter and Liv, they are just people. I suppose the world is evil about appearance, but I just don’t get it. I mean, Teddy and Rose seem like very nice people, irregardless.

I love Broyles solution, and how he has to walk Walter through the roundabout way to keep Edina’s residents safe from the outside world. I like that ending. They get to stay, no one will reveal their secret.

Walter is seriously considering telling Peter. Yes, you would have to be brave to do it, but at what cost?

**Be sure you read about the Johari Window (thanks, Wikipedia!) so you can get an interesting take on the pacing of this ep and its understory. The unknown window, indeed.

fringe, tv

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